Chapter 9

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When we finally landed in America I started to get up and quickly realised that (Y/N) was still asleep on Dan's shoulder. He nudged her and she rustled a bit before slowly opening her eyes. Dan held out his hand to help her up. When they were both out of the way I stood up an we proceeded to walk off the plane. Dan was walking by (Y/N) and they were walking hand in hand. I was walking in the other side of Dan.
"I can smell the freedom!" I said in a joking voice as we were walking to catch a cab. The three of us burst into laughter and a few people turned to stare at us.
"I was literally waiting for one of you two idiots to make some joke about freedom here!" (Y/N) said while lightly punching me in the arm before intertwining her hand with Dan's again.
When we got all our bags put into the trunk of a cab we all piled into the back seat. (Y/N) had made reservations at a hotel so we told the driver the name and we were off.
After about 20 minutes of chatting and a lot of banter the cab finally came to a stop outside of a large building. It looked like a pretty nice hotel. Dan and I traded some of our pounds in for dollars and I insisted that I pay the fee, but (Y/N) said no and paid before I could even get out my wallet.
"This is a nice hotel!" Dan said in awe. I nodded in agreement and (Y/N) looked up at us and smiled.
We walked to the front desk at the hotel and (Y/N) told the lady behind the desk the font desk her last name. The lady said that we were on the top floor.
After about 3 minutes of wandering around looking for a lift I decided to go ask. "Excuse me miss but where is the lift at?" I asked politely. I lady behind the front desk gave me a confused look. Then i remembered that in America they were called elevators not lifts. "Sorry elevator in London we call them lifts." I said giving a warm smile.
The lady dismissed my mistake probably assuming it was my first time here and showed us to the elevator.
When we got to the room we found two beds, a bathroom, a small kitchen and a small couch.
"I'm going to go shower!" (Y/N) said grabbing her night cloths.
"Okay" Dan and I said in unison.
"Dan can I ask you something?" I asked.
"Sure Phil anything." He responded.
"How did you ask (Y/N) out so easily?" I asked nervously.
"I just didn't think about it and asked. Why? Does Philly have a crush?" Dan asked smiling.
"No I was just wondering." Too bad I'm awful at lying and my face turned a bright red or he totally would have believed it.
"Oh my god you do! Who is she?" Dan asked.
"Shhh! I don't want (Y/N) to know yet." I said beckoning him to be quiet by putting a finger to my lips.
"Okay I promise I won't tell her, but who is she?" Dan asked impatiently.
"Her name is Me-" apparently we were talking longer than expected because (Y/N) walked out of the bathroom and I was cut off mid-sentence. I gave Dan a look saying that I would tell him later.
When we all got done showering we all crawled into our beds. I had my own and Dan and (Y/N) shared one. We all said good night and went to sleep. Tomorrow we were off to the hospital were Dan and I would meet Aaron for the first time.

I couldn't wait to publish this chapter. Phil has a crush! Ugh I wanted to say who it was so bad, but need to save something for next chapter. You guys r awesome I know I say that a lot but i mean it. Thanks for reading!

No matter how far apart (Dan Howell x reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें