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Slenderman's POV

{Wow this is gonna be exciting}

I was sitting in my office, doing paperwork for Lucifer and shit. Then suddenly BEN jumped through the door while he was crying blood.

"Oh my, what's wrong BEN?" I asked him, worried that something might have gone wrong. BEN never cries.

"C-Chrissie's dead. She's fucking dead. SHE'S FUCKING DEAD!!"  BEN yelled as I stood up immediately.

"WHAT?!" He ran, assuming to Chrissie's room, I followed him. The room was bloody. Symphony was crying in the corner while Masky was comforting her. Everybody was crowding the door, in panic.

"Who would do this?" Jeff asked as tears left his eyes. I looked in the crowd and Dark Link wasn't in it. Fucking Dark Link. I bet he did this. I tracked him down and teleported to the tree he was sitting on.

"Why did you do it?" I asked him.

"Do what? Kill Chrissie? Well, I was supposed to kill her a long time ago." Dark Link said as he laid back further against the tree, still sitting lightly on the branch.


"I remember it like yesterday," He started to explain how he met Chrissie, but I instantly invaded his mind, looking at his flashback.

Dark Link's Flashback

I stabbed the guy in the chest. I then heard the door open, I quickly hid in the incredibly small closet.

"Oh hell no." I heard the girl mumble under her breath. "WHOEVER'S HERE SHOW YOURSELF!" She screamed as I chuckled. I watched her grab a pistol from the drawer. I quietly walked out of the closet and started laughing. She turned around and looked at me.

"Looking for me?" I asked.

"What the hell? You can't be real! You're a video game character!"

"Anything is possible, babe." She cringed at the word 'babe'. "Too bad you're next."

"The hell I'm not!" She started shooting at me but I kept dodging them. How can she stand so tall even when I'm about to kill her? I kicked the gun out of her hand as she fell backward. I bent over the small girl and put the sword on her throat. "Please don't kill me!"

"Give me a reason not to."

"I'll do anything." She said softly. Wow, she's willing to keep her life. Man, I could've raped her and she'd be happy as long as she's alive.

"Well, Slender did say he wanted more killers." Her eyes widened at my comment. "Follow me if you want to live." I got up and left the apartment with her following me.

**End of flashback**

I guess he was supposed to kill her. But why wait until now to kill her? Even when she was stitched in our hearts, Dark Link ripped it out. It was Dark Link's fault that we're sad for once. He didn't kill her before letting her in the mansion.

"While you're busy reading my flashback, I'm gonna let you know about the timed bomb I put in the mansion and now the mansion's on fire." Dark Link said as I turned around quickly to see the mansion on fire. I could hear the screams coming from everyone burning alive right now.

"What the hell Link!" I turned back around to see that he was gone.

Goodbye Jeff,
Goodbye BEN,
Goodbye Masky,
Goodbye Symphony,
Goodbye Sally,
Goodbye L.J.,
Goodbye E.J.,
Goodbye Hoody,
Goodbye Alice,
Goodbye Kai,
Especially goodbye, Chrissie

And last but not least, fuck you, Dark Link.


Hey, guys, that was the last chapter! I was planning this for months. Sorry for the sudden ending! I might start a sequel centering on Dark Link but I don't know. When I do I'll make sure to update and author's note on this book, so keep it in your library!

I'm so proud bc this is officially the longest running book I have made on Wattpad, it's so awesome that I'd actually work hard on something!

I hope you guys stay alive (Twenty One Pilots reference) and live your dreams!

Stay Gucci

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