{20} "But she's black"

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**Black Magic**

I woke up to a male scream. I sat up immediately and looked at the clock. 4:39. Why would someone start killing at 4:40 in the fucking morning? I jumped out my window (Because the scream was coming from exactly 10 feet from my room.) As soon as I got to the floor I looked up to see Kai and some blonde guy floating in the air.

"Kai, what the hell is going on?!" She looked at me and pointed at him.

"He was the guy from third grade! I wanted revenge," she turned to look at him. "and it's here."

"Wait hold up! Kaimayda?!" The dude question in shock.

"Yea it's me, you almost killed me! But your time has come!"

"I'm sorry!" 

"You should have said it 4 years ago!"

"But I'm really sorry!" He whined. I chuckled as tears came down his cheeks.

"Chrissie, I'll get your mask for you." Kai said as my mask came floating from my room to me.


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" The guy pleaded.

"I don't care. Should've said it 4 years ago." She smirked. "Anata no jikan ga kimashita!" She said in a really creepy way. I used my mask to translate it as it replied quietly; 'Your time has come'. She walked towards the middle of the woods, but far away from the mansion, grabbed some rope out of her pocket and made it tie the boy's hands to a thick branch. He continued to sob.

"I'm sorry!"

"Shut up! I don't want to hear your voice anymore!" She said as she lifted her arms up with fire coming from her palms.


"Yes!!" She screamed. She put both of her hands on his feet, then seconds later his whole body was on fire. He kept screaming so she picked up a thick stick and hit his face with it. "Damare!" I could tell that meant 'shut up'.

"Wow, nice work Kai." We quickly looked behind us to see Slendy and Jeff. "Slow and cruel." He smirked as Slenderp nodded.

"So this is the guy from third grade?" Kai nodded.  The boy screamed at the top of his lungs as she just rolled his eyes.

"Otoko wa, saidai shatto suru koto wa arimasen." She said before walking away.

"Huh?" Jeff said misunderstood.

"Dude never shuts up." My mask translated.

"Oh." Jeff said as me and Slenderp walked behind him back to the mansion. "What language was that?"

"Japanese." I answered.

"But she's black." Jeff said confusingly.

"She's mixed with Japanese, and black. I'm guessing she was raised in Australia according to her accent." Jeff nodded and continued to walk.


"Marcus Miller was found burnt alive in the woods today, hanging on a branch right here." The lady said. Me, Jeff, L.J., and Kai were hiding in the trees, listening to the news reporter. "Samantha Kokomu found Miller at this very spot. She immediately reported this to investigators."

"Why the fuck would she be wondering around in the woods?" I whispered as Jeff shrugged.

"She has to has some guts to come out here." L.J. whispered as he continued to watch.

"Back to you Tom." She said before the camera man but his stuff in a box. "Well standing here gives me the creeps." The lady said before she turned around. "Know where to go?"

"Nope." The camera said.

"I told you to keep track of where we were going, Jeff!!"

"Haha, she said my name." Jeff said quietly as he chuckled. I shook my head in amusement as I continued to watch.

"Well I'm sorry." Camera man said.

"Yea, whatever." She said as she began to walk around in circles.

"Now, it's our time to shine." I whispered as I looked at Jeff, L.J., and Kai. I did a countdown on my fingers from three, and when I got to one we all jumped, landing in the spots were we would be surrounding them.

"What the hell?!" The lady screamed as she ran away.

"Come on Kai let's get this fat man as L.J. and Jeff get the ugly lady." I demanded but insulted the news guys. Kai nodded curtly as L.J. and Jeff ran to the lady. I took my hatchet out of my bag and the guy started to shake. Kai had fire hands and dug into the guy's side, him screaming afterwards. She got her hand out and gave me the kidney that was in her hand. "Awe, thanks." I squealed as I put the kidney in my bag. I soon heard a lady screamed. Jeff and L.J. probably got that reporter.

"You're welcome." Kai said. "Your turn. He's still alive you know." She said as her eyes turned back to dark brown. I ran to the man and sliced off his head with my hatchet. "Watashi wa ima korosu koto ga daisuki."

"I love killing now." My mask said as I yelped.

"I added a translator to your mask when you was sleeping. It translates when someone speaks another language." Kai explained.

"But does it have to when it's on my face?" I complained.

"You can turn it off. There's a button above your right ear." I nodded. "Jefu to L. J. Doko ni arimasu ka?"

"Where's Jeff and L.J.?" My mask translated.

"I dunno they should be here by now." I said and just then L.J. and Jeff shown up with the body.

"Let's burn these bodies." Kai nodded. I pushed the button by my right ear to turn off the translator. Jeff moved both bodies to a tree. He said to 'add awesomeness' but whatever he says doesn't make sense so whatever. Soon Kai set them on fire.

"Ningen o shinimasu!" Kai yelled as the tree also was on fire.

"What did she say?" L.J. asked.

"Die humans!" Kai corrected herself as I chuckled. "What happened to the translator?"

"I turned it off." I said as I shrugged. So did Kai.

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