{45} "He's a pussy"

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I just like this song TBH

I sat in between Alice and BEN, awkwardly. Alice wanted to hang out with us in BEN's room. I could feel BEN's heart beating fast as we were playing Super Smash Bros. I let him win a couple times so Alice could find him impressive. I could hear him mentally say 'thank you' as I let him win every time.

"Why do you have to be Link each round?" Alice asked cluelessly. I mentally scowled at her for not knowing his story, but I knew that she didn't know better. "Chrissie switches characters each round. Why can't you, BEN?"

I felt BEN's heart beat faster as Alice said his name. "I-I just like Link," BEN said nervously.


"Yes, Alice?"

"May I speak to you in private?" Alice was looking towards the screen. I bet she didn't notice the nervous look BEN stared at me with. He blushed with wide eyes. I nodded as I heard him gulp.

"S-sure." He stuttered. He walked out of the room with Alice after he paused the game. When the door closed and hurried to put my ear on it.

"BEN, I really, really, like you. I hope you're not mad at me. There was a sudden silence until I heard footsteps running away. I then heard Alice crying. I opened the door to see BEN gone.

"Alice, what happened?" I asked like I didn't know what just happened.

"I told him my feelings. T-then he ran away." She said through her sobs and cries.

"Wow, he really did fuck up," I said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked me.

"He likes, likes, you too, Alice. He's just such a pussy to tell you." I said.

"Oh, but why did he run away?" She said, wiping to dry tears away from her face.

"Like I said, he's a pussy."

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