Chapter 10:This Is The Way You Are Meeting My Family

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I and Auntie Kaye hung up. I placed my phone back on the bedside table and I departed my bedroom. I went downstairs and through to the kitchen. I told the cook to make extra tea for tonight because there was guest. As we finished our conversation, I heard screaming coming from outside. I went outside and I realised that Gino was screaming. He was also pointing at something in the swimming pool and I glanced towards the swimming pool. I realised Milo was just floating underneath the water and he looked like he wasn't breathing. Without thinking about it, I jumped into the swimming pool and quickly grabbed Milo from underneath the water. We reached the top of the water and I swam over to the side with Milo in my arms. I placed Milo on the side and I got out of the swimming pool myself. I scooped Milo up in my arms and took him over to the sun loungers. I placed him down on a sun lounger and bent down next to his side. I told Gino to get a fresh glass of water and I stayed with Milo. Milo started waking up and he spat a lot of swimming pool water out. Gino came back with the glass of water and he gave it to me. I helped Milo drink some water and I decided to take Milo to a hospital just in case. I told Gino to get changed and I scooped Milo back in my arms. I took him inside the house and ran up the stairs to his bedroom. I placed Milo on his bed and got him changed into his clothes. All I changed of his was his underwear and I picked Milo up again. I balanced him on my hip and I went to my bedroom. I grabbed my phone off the bedside table and I left my bedroom again. Gino head towards us and we all went downstairs. I grabbed some car keys that were in the porch and we all left the house. We saw Josh heading towards our house and he had a confused look on his face. I had no time for this. I pressed the unlock button on the car keys and it opened a car. It was Auntie Kaye's. I placed Milo in his back seat and strapped him in. Gino got in himself and strapped himself in. I shut the back doors and got into the driver seat. I may not have a car but I know how to drive. The passenger door opened beside me and Josh came into the car.

Josh: What has happened?

Aria: I have no time to answer. I have to get Milo to the hospital. Can you phone my Auntie and tell her where we are

Josh: Yeah sure

I passed Josh my phone and he started ringing my Auntie. I started the engine and drove out of the drive way. I sped my way to the hospital with some red light traffic lights on the way but I didn't drive through them. We arrived at the hospital and I parked the car up. I turned off the engine and we all hopped out of the car except Milo. I unstrapped Milo out of his car seat and picked him up. I closed the back door behind me and locked the car up. Gino held on to my hand and we started running into the hospital. I told the receptionist what had happened to Milo and a nurse took him off me. The nurse asked us all to sit in the waiting area so that what we did. Gino sat on my lap and snuggled into my chest. I rubbed his back to calm him down sat Josh sat next to me.

Aria: What did my Auntie say?

Josh: She said they will be here as soon as possible

Aria: Okay. Thank you

Josh: What happened anyways?

Aria: I don't know. I was inside ringing my Auntie trying to find out where she was with Uncle Dappy.

Josh: So who was with Milo?

Aria: Gino but this isn't his fault

Josh: I didn't say that. I was only asking who was with Milo.

Aria: Sorry and Josh this is all my fault

Josh: It is not. Don't ever think that

Aria: But it was my responsibility to look after the boys

Dappy: Yes it was

I turned around and saw that Uncle Dappy had an angry expression on his face. I got quite scared and didn't know what he was going to do.

Aria: I'm so sorry Uncle Dappy

Dappy: You better be. Where is he?

Aria: A nurse took him off me to a room so they could check him out

Dappy: He better be okay. Or else

Aria: Look, I will go back to the care home but I just want to stay so I could know that Milo is okay

Kaye: You don't have to do that darling. Dappy stop being angry

Dappy: How can I stop when she can be killing our son

Kaye: Dappy that won't happen. Aria, did Milo wake up

Aria: Yeah he did

Kaye: Look Dappy, he woke up so he will be fine

Dappy: That doesn't matter

Tulisa: Dappy, are you okay

I saw my Mum and Dad behind Uncle Dappy. I stood up and placed Gino on the hospital seat. I ran out of the hospital with tears streaming down my face. I heard someone shouting my name behind me and I glanced behind me. Josh was following me but I carried on. I ran away from the hospital and tried to find my way back home. I felt someone grab my arm and they turned me around to look at them. I realised it was Josh and he pulled me into a hug. I burst out crying even more and he started rubbing my back to calm me down. I soon calmed down and Josh took me over to a wooden bench that was on the street so we could sit down.

Aria: Josh, what am I going to do now?

Josh: How about you come and live with me?

Aria: Are you sure

Josh: Yes I am. You can't go back there at the moment

Aria: I know and Uncle Dappy hates me now

Josh: I'm sure he doesn't hate you. He needs time to calm down.

Aria: I'm not sure about that and I need to grab some of my clothes

Josh: Okay. How about we go back to yours and grab everything.

I and Josh got off the bench. We both made our way back to my house and started packing all of my things in my room. I left the furniture in the bedroom because I knew I didn't need it and we both departed my bedroom. We left the house with all of my things and made our way over to Josh's house. We went into his house with his bandmates and we made our way up to his bedroom. We put all of my things in his bedroom and we just relaxed on his bed. We snuggled into each other and soon enough I fell asleep in his arms.

I Just Got Adopted By...My Auntie And UncleHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin