Chapter 5:A New Day

Start from the beginning

Josh: You go first

I sat up on the bench and Josh joined me on to the bench. We both started asking each other questions about each other.

Aria: How old are you?

Josh: 19 years old. What about you?

Aria: 17 years old. What is your favourite colour?

Josh: Red. What about you?

Aria: Light Blue. What is your favourite food to eat?

Josh: McDonalds or Burger King. What about you?

Aria: Pancakes with chocolate sauce. What is your favourite movie?

Josh: Fast and Furious 7. What about you?

Aria: The Lion King or Aquamarine. What is your favourite place to go and why?

Josh: Favourite place to go is America because there a lot of things to do their. What about you?

Aria: Thailand because there are lots of the things to explore out their. What is your favourite sport to watch or play?

Josh: Football. What about you?

Aria: Swimming. What's your family like?

Josh: They are welcoming and really nice towards you. What about yours?

Aria: The same as yours. Have you ever cried at a movie?

Josh: Nope. Have you?

Aria: Yes and it's a few movies. What is your favourite car?

Josh: Ferrari California in black. What about you?

Aria: Audi A3 White Convertible. Who is your biggest hero?

Josh: My Dad because he gives me guidance into succeeding. What about you?

Aria: My Auntie and Uncle because they took me out of care. What is your favourite hobbies?

Josh: Singing and playing football. What about you?

Aria: Singing shopping, swimming and dancing. What do you do in your spare time?

Josh: I hang out with my band mates or sleeping in my bed. What about you?

Aria: Singing or shopping. Where would you go on a date?

Josh: I would take a girl to the beach and have a picnic on the beach. What about you?

Aria: I would go to a nice, posh restaurant or hang out near waterfalls with a picnic. What makes you smile?

Josh: Seeing everyone else around me smiling and you. What about you?

Aria: Seeing the people that I love being happy. What is your favourite clothing to wear?

Josh: Probably my Superdry hoodie. What about you?

Aria: Same. What is your favourite band?

Josh: Maroon 5. What about you?

Aria: One Direction or Little Mix. What is your favourite song at the moment?

Josh: Thinking out loud by Ed Sheeran. What about you?

Aria: Worth It by Fifth Harmony or Black Magic by Little Mix. What is your favourite animal?

Josh: I love dog's specially Yorkshire terriers. What about you?

Aria: Same as yours. Who is your best friend?

Josh: My bandmates. Who is yours?

Aria: A girl called Brooke Howle who was in care with me. What is your favourite brand of clothing?

Josh: Adidas. What about you?

Aria: Superdry or Vans.

Josh: I think we got to know each other better know

Aria: I think so too

Josh: What are you doing today?

Aria: I am going shopping with my Auntie because I need to buy a lot of clothes.

Josh: How about I take you?

Aria: Are you sure.

Josh: Yep I am sure. I have nothing better to do today

Aria: Okay. I will just tell my Auntie and Uncle

Josh: Okay. I will wait for you here

I got off the wooden bench and opened the glass door. I entered my bedroom and saw that my bedroom was all tidy. I departed my bedroom and went to find my Auntie or Uncle. I managed to find my Auntie in the living room and I went to ask her.

Aria: Auntie Kaye

Kaye: Yes sweetie

Aria: Is it alright that I go shopping with the boy next door to us

Kaye: Which one because there are four that live next door to us

Aria: His name is Josh

Kaye: Yep that is fine. Also here is some money. Make sure you buy enough clothes and get yourself a new phone

Aria: Aw thank you Auntie Kaye

Kaye: It's no problem sweetie and make sure you stay with Josh. You might see your parents but Josh will protect you

Aria: Okay and Bye

Kaye: Bye darling

I departed the living room and made my way back up the stairs to my bedroom. I opened my bedroom door and entered my bedroom. I closed the door behind me and made my way to the balcony. I stepped out on to the balcony and I told Josh that it was alright to leave. We jumped over to his balcony and we left out of his house. We jumped into his white Lamborghini Ferrari that was parked on the drive with three other cars. We both strapped ourselves in and Josh started the engine. He drove out of the drive way and through the gates. He sped his way to the shopping mall and I stayed quiet for the whole journey.

I Just Got Adopted By...My Auntie And UncleWhere stories live. Discover now