Chapter 24-Crash and Burn

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"I hated bushes these damn anyway.", he said as soon as the second wave of vomit stopped right into some wild bushes.

I took my shoes off and helped him inside the house. I also gave him a glass of water to clear out the nasty taste from his mouth and headed towards the bedroom Ella was in.

I managed that after a couple attempts and soon afterwards he also fell into a deep sleep. I stood there for another ten minutes, turning them on their sides, so that they won't gag on their own vomit and then went outside to collect Jared. It was getting harder than I imagined.

He already opened the car door and he looked really bad. Fortunately he was a little less Yoda than the rest. From what Shannon confessed he was never a fun drunk to be around.

"Come on baby...", I said trying to lift him out of the car.

"I'm gonna throw up.", he moaned.

"Hold it in a little bit longer baby..,", I said softly, as I put his arm round my shoulder.

He had enough self control to walk to the house, climb the set of stairs to our own bedroom and then throw up in the toilet. I held back his hair throughout all the process then made him stand up and wash his face.

"Let's get you in the tub baby.", I said, helping  him lean on the bathtub, while I turned on the tap.

"Okay...", he nodded as he lifted his arms up.

"You don't need to put your arms up. You have a shirt.", I said laughing and unbuttoning the shirt off him.

"I want to make love to you, but if I make any sudden moves I might end up doing something I'll regret.", he confessed.

"Like what?", I joked, untying his shoelaces.

"Throw up on you. And you don't want that...", he said sheepishly.

"Let's get you in the tub. I think sex is off the table tonight...", I said as I took his shoes and socks off, laughing even harder.

He took off by himself his pants and boxers in an exercise of balance and went inside the tub.

I opened the window to the bathroom and the morning breeze combined with the warm water made him come to his senses a little bit. He leaned his head on the bathtub and started looking at me.

"What did I do to deserve an angel like you?", he asked taking my hand into his.

"I could ask you the same thing.", I said putting my head onto his hand.

"Marry me."

"Jay, you're drunk. Don't say something you might regret tomorrow.", I pointed out.

"I would never regret that.", he said a bit serious.

"Why wait? I mean...why?", he continued.

"Jay...I love you and I'd get married to you in a heartbeat, but now you're a bit drunk and I don't want you to take drunk decisions..."

He nodded and splashed me with water. I splashed him back and we both ended up making the whole bathroom look like a huge puddle. Soon afterwards, he went into bed and I stood right beside him, watching him sleep and listening to his gentle snores.

I made my way afterwards downstairs and found the hose. In the end someone had to clean up the mess they made. It was becoming really hard to be the responsible adult between everyone in this house. Especially when I wanted to have fun too. But apparently, no matter the circle of friends, I would always end up cleaning the whole mess.

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