Chapter 21-Ireland

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Ireland is where strange tales begin and happy endings are possible...


The second I landed in Dublin I realized why Anka loved it so much. It was buzzing and no one actually cared who was who. I walked towards a woman, holding a sign with my name without being stopped for photos, not even once. She was tall, blonde and with a big smile on her face.

"You must be Jared.", she said shaking my hand firmly.

"Yes, that's me.", I replied.

"I'm Andrea, Anka talked an awful lot about you mate.", she said with a smile.

"I'm her boyfriend...", I added quickly.

To be honest I didn't quite know what I was anymore to her. She pushed me out so badly out of her life that I didn't know these days. I was uncertain that we will end up being together in the event she woke up.

"How is she? Haven't heard from her in a while. Is she rubbing elbows with celebrities in Los Angeles yet?", she asked giggling.

"Well, she is dating a celebrity. And she is taking some time to figure out who she is...", I replied smiling and taking my sunglasses off.

She looked at me with a weird grin on her face. Clearly, she knew who I was and I felt slightly stupid to say that.

"I know who she's dating. I didn't wanna make it seem all awkward for you. My little brother plays in a band and I know how terrible is, being asked about your career every second of your life. By the way, I loved 'Dallas Buyers Club'. You deserved to win an Oscar for that. Which you did. Well done. Let's go to the car. I bet you need a good rest after this trip.", she concluded, as we walked towards the car park.

"I'm not really tired. But if I get to take a good shower then I will be good to go do things. That is if you don't have any plans for tonight...", I said.

In fairness I didn't want to be alone. It was all so new to me. I've been to Dublin several times, but seeing it from Anka's point of view was something new.

"Hey, I know why she called you in Ireland. I'm here to make sure you have a proper Irish welcome. We can go out if you want after you drop your bag.", she replied.

"I wanna get to know Anka a lot more. I feel like I don't know her at all...does that make any sense?", I sighed, sadly.

Andrea threw me a weird look. She didn't quite understand where I was coming from.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Are you and Anka close friends?", I asked.

I didn't want to go around telling my whole life story and the dynamics of my relationship with just any other stranger.

"If she trusted me to pick you up from the airport without blurring out anything to the press, I think you might call us that.", she replied with a hint of irony in her voice.

"Andrea, I don't know if you had any idea of this, but Anka...Anka had a massive drug problem. Well, the problem didn't go away, obviously, but the what added to it was what she used to do for a living before she met me...", I tried explaining, without going into too much detail.

"I knew it would eventually get to her. Is she okay?", asked Andrea concerned.

"She was in a drug induced coma, she tried killing herself. So no, she isn't really okay. But she is well taken care of. I will fly back in two days. I just need to sort out everything for her here.", I said rolling my fingers through my hair.

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