Chapter 1-Clarabel

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Hello everyone! Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to start reading my story! I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I do writing it! Xx please vote and comment if you like it! Xoxo

Even if you know what's coming,you're never prepared for how it feels...


"We have to decide upon the colour of the napkins. And also how do you want them folded? Swan, tulip, butterfly?"
"...cake...tastes delicious..."
"Was thinking more along the way of vanilla or lemon sorbet, or red velvet..."
"What do you think? Clarabel..."

"Clarabel!", I heard my mother shouting.

If you can consider shouting a quick whisper. My mother never shouts. It is not ladylike.

Now both my mother and my future mother in law both stare at me with big, disapproving looks on their faces. If dialog bubbles would appear I could even see what they are thinking.

"I know Elinor. But the other daughter I have is already married."
"You did your best. She will never raise to the standards of our families."
"Sometimes I think they made a mistake at the hospital."

"Where were we? Oh yes, the cake. I want it with white chocolate.", I say, looking at my mother who was playing with her strand of pearls.

"Clarabel, I think you should be careful what you eat...the wedding dress may not fit you.", says Elinor with a frozen look on her face.

"It can always be altered. Right?", I say in a little act of rebellion.

Both women look at me as if I just smeared myself up in shit.

"You don't alter Vera Wang. You alter your body to fit into Vera Wang."

"Good thing I'm already thin mother."

Another disapproving look from both of them. Another half an hour and this nightmare will end. I need to run back home and get ready for work. Yes, work, another one of my many 'rebellious' acts. The women in our family never worked. That concept was a strange one to both my mother and my sister. I was the pariah of the family. I even chose the worst paid jobs in history. Travel guide.

I know what they were thinking. That me and Luke will get married and then he will keep me busy with taking care of the mansion that he inherited and that I will pick up a hobby like gardening, or whatever is that very posh people have as hobbies.

Let's get one thing straight. My family is rich, we are Irish, yes we have weird names for our houses like "Carrick on the Moore", and no, not all of us are ginger or blonde. I actually don't look Irish at all, which makes me think a mistake was made somewhere at birth.

Another thing I want to get straight is that I was promised to Luke ever since I was born. It makes me feel like my family still lives in The Medieval Age. We clearly don't love each other and I know that he will end up cheating on me, but we have to get married anyway for the sake of our bloodlines or I dunno whatever crap my family served me.

As I walk out of the wedding planner's office, which is decorated in shades of pink(every little girl's dream, not mine) it hits me. In less than two months I'm getting married. In exactly fifty two days, the noose round my neck will be tied forever and for always.

At that realisation I forget that it's actually raining cats and dogs and I stop right in the middle of the street. No, this can't be happening. My eyes fill up with tears and I just stand there, soaking it all in. I hear my phone ringing from my bag and I snap back to reality. It was Luke. He is telling me that he will be heading off to L.A. tonight for the next two weeks.

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