Chapter 6-Ella

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People can be so quiet about their pain, that you forget they are hurting.


It was hard to keep my composure when he knew who I was...I thought by now everyone forgot who I was. It can't be right. Hopefully he realised it was all in his head. That he was overworked and well over all limits that he has brutally imposed on himself.

What was I thinking when I sent in my resume to Leto industries? That he will be one of those thick headed celebrities I used to work for?

"Nothing ever goes past you? Ella is dead for the acting world and the spotlight. And she is bound to stay that was. Just like her daughter is. There is nothing there to see anymore.", I said to my own scared reflection, the second I arrived in my apartment.

It was time for my 'happy pills' again, I said to myself, going straight for the Xanax and the liquor cabinet that were religiously placed on the living room table. The combination was bad, I knew that far too well, but it made me forget about the nightmares and the pain. I never quite got past the horror of what I have seen three years ago.

It was my twenty third birthday and I was still at work. That one little errand I had to do, that one little errand will haunt me for the rest of my life. Me and James weren't quite on speaking terms, but I knew what I wanted to do. I would just go back home, take Alice and enjoy some mother-daughter time. The divorce could wait. At least for now.

I retraced back the steps as I usually did. I jumped out of the car I parked in the back of my house, only to realise the whole house was covered in darkness. Not even Alice's bed lamp was turned on. But the second I approached the front door, I saw them. The police, the coroner van, reporters. They were all camped in my yard, waiting for the news.

The second I got closer and closer I saw them pulling out their cameras. Several police officers kept them at distance. Another one approached me. My heart was pounding from my chest.

"Ella Patterson-Pierce?", he asked in a hoarse voice.


"You have to follow me madam."

"What is wrong?", I asked, trying to keep my calm down, despite the panic that got over my entire body.

"We've got a call at 911 from your neighbor. She heard a gunshot in your house and took action immediately."

I felt a shiver go down my spine as the words came out of his mouth.

I followed him inside the house where a hoard of inspectors were gathering evidence and taking photos. And then I saw James. Or what was left of him. His face was disfigured from the shot, his eyes gauging out of the sockets. My immediate reaction was to scream for Alice.

And then I saw the inspector's look as he showed me to the bathroom. Alice was there, her face contorted in fear as she gave her last breath calling for help.

"Is this your daughter?"

"YES!", I screamed kneeling in front of the bathtub, taking her little lifeless body into my arms.

"Madam, this is a crime scene. You have to stop you will tamper with the evidence."

"LEAVE ME ALONE WITH NY DAUGHTER!", I screamed, closing her little eyes forever.

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