Chapter 5-Late Night

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Which do you want? The pain of staying where you are or the pain of growth?

I arrived rather late back at the office, a few hours later in the middle of the evening, when I knew everyone was supposed to be at home. I just liked to come late when no one was around. That way I could focus on my art and maybe I could play a bit on the piano I brought in the conference room. To me, the office was just another home. I hated when everyone would go up and down that hall to try and listen to what I was playing and I didn't want to go back home either.

Home to me felt really empty right now. Sad and empty. I was still thinking about Mirka. We still kept in touch and I gave her the number of a good psychologist to talk about things. It was the right thing to do.

As I went towards my office I saw the light turned on at Ella's desk. She wasn't there, so I assumed that she forgot it open. I turned it off and went inside my office.

There was Ella looking through the big glass windows down on Los Angeles. She didn't hear me coming.

"Hey, what are you doing here?", I asked her tapping her shoulder gently.

She jumped around, startled and wiped her eyes before she turned round to face me.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Leto. I shouldn't have been here.", she replied not even looking at me.

"Is everything okay Ella?", I ask her, putting both my hands on her shoulders this time.

"Yes, all is good. I was just taking a short break to admire the view from your office. It's really imposing...", she replied trying to shift my attention from the fact that I found her in tears in my office.

"It's beautiful isn't it? And call me Jared, please. You make me sound like I'm a spooky man that terrorises his employees. By the way, what are you doing here so late?", I asked her, remembering that it was way past the working hours.

"I was just finishing up with some papers for your brother. He asked me if I could have a look at those because he thought there might be some errors in the reports."

"Really? Look, Ella, that is none of your business. Shannon does have an assistant and she is well qualified to do that herself. No, don't look at me like that. I hired you to be my assistant and that's your job. Now, go home, I bet your family must be thinking I'm a terrible boss by now.", I replied, knowing Shannon's somewhat, repulsion and childish attitude towards her.

"I live alone, it's really no problem. By the way, someone called today to buy one of your sketches.", she said, pulling out a post it stuck on my desktop screen.

"Lemme see. Those sketches aren't for sale.", I said taking the post it from her.

"The person who called recommend herself as Clarabel Cleath-Stuart."

I shrugged at the name. Me and Clara didn't talk that much after our little 'affair' in Dublin. I did however miss her.

"I will sort that out in the morning. Now, do you have a ride to go home? And most importantly, did you eat anything today? I know it's none of my business, but you look a little pale."

"I didn't have the time. I will just throw something in the microwave and the problem is sorted. And as for the ride, if I hurry up I might catch the 11 p.m. bus."

"You have to wait for at least an hour for it to arrive and before that you have to walk to the bus station. And a woman alone on the streets at night is not safe. Come on, let's go grab something to eat and then I can drop you off to your place.", I said, glancing and my watch with a look that didn't take a 'no' for an answer.

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