Chapter 18-Fashion Week

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Even if you know what's coming you're not prepared for how it feels...


I spent the last week in Romania, doing various activities and going to various places. For some reason I never know why I loved coming here. But now that I had Anka next to me it was a lot easier to know why I loved it here so much.

Her hometown was small and the thing I liked the most is that people didn't actually care if I was around or not. To them I was just someone ordinary and not a celebrity. It felt relaxing not to be hunted down by paparazzis.

Me and Anka walked hand in hand and as we approached her favorite coffee shop I turned to her happily. I have been planning this for quite a while, since we were together and I wanted to give her the news delicately. Some people find it hard to digest the idea of making a public appearance and I hoped it wasn't Anka's case.

"Are you ready baby girl? Your visa was accepted. But first, are you ready for your first public appearance?", I asked with a glimmer of hope.

"My first public appearance? Do I really have to do this? I'd much rather stay in the shadows...I'm not pretty enough, plus I don't really think I have what it takes, you know...for a public appearance.", replied Anka concerned.

"You're beautiful. And I don't want to keep you in the shadows. I want the whole world to know that I am taken."

"I don't really think it makes much difference if the world knows. Women will hunt you down, we know. And that's all that matters right?"

"What are you scared about?", I asked her.

By now I started to know all her mood swings and all her reactions. She pushed her glasses down her nose and gave me a puppy dog look.

"That I will make a complete fool of myself at whatever the event will be."

"It's the Fashion Week in London. We are going to Paris now to meet my good friend Alessandro. You'll like him. He can pull out a great outfit in no time! So you don't have to worry about not being in style. Plus it's Fashion Week. It's all about fashion.", I said clearly more excited than her.

I loved fashion, but on the other hand fashion didn't quite love me too much. I was more of the practical, grab-and-wear-what-you-find-guy, and hardly a fashion icon.

"Me and fashion are two lines that will never meet. Look at me. I look like a homeless person.", she said pointing at her black coat and sneaker combination.

"Do I look like I'm dressed differently?", I replied opening my arms, to the almost exact same outfit as she had.

"Yeah, well, you know where I'm coming from. Me and my family aren't really the type of people addicted by fashion. I mean look at the city I grew up in. They are still in the bling era..."

"I like it. No one bothers you."

"Because no one recognizes you. To them you're just a geeky adult with a weird sense of fashion. That's it. I wanna sit this one out. Fashion Week, I mean."

"I won't take 'no' for an answer. Don't you wanna be next to your man when he will present an award?", I asked her putting on my best puppy dog look.

She looked at me and kissed me. I clearly won. It's not like she wasn't trying to win an argument, she had a thing for not wanting to get into arguments.

"Okay.", she nodded.

"Then it's sorted. I've already called Ella to book the tickets."

She nodded silently. I could tell she wasn't too happy that I took decisions on her behalf. It almost looked like I owned her. I realized that thing far too late.
She stayed silent for the whole trip to the airport and on the flight as well. Her mood didn't improve too much when she met Alessandro either. She was cold and polite.

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