Chapter 9-A Gift

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I'm going to tell you a don't have to believe everything that pops into your head.

Jared didn't even look at me. He just mumbled a 'good morning' and sat next to Ella.

"What have you got there?"

"The article. And the photos. I was thinking of these ones. What do you think?", she said handing over a pile of photos.

"Yes, I like them. Did you pack your bags?", he asked Ella as he took another photo from her hand.

"Pack my bags? For what?"

"Tokyo. You booked two plane tickets, right?"

"Yes but I assumed they were for you and Clara...That's why I asked you for her name.", she said blushing slightly.

"Please change the name on one. And if you can't do that book them for the next flight.", concluded Jared.

"I will see what I can do. It shouldn't be a problem given the fact the flight is in six days.", she nodded, handing him over the finished version of the article and a red marker.

When he heard my name he acknowledged my presence as well. He just nodded, visibly annoyed and I just felt that tears were about to sting my eyes. I stood up and waved 'goodbye' to Ella , and decided to go back to the house and start packing. I went to my room and started to pull out my clothes from the dresser. Not that I had that many. I just stayed in the house all the time, so I didn't need too many to change into.

This was the end, I felt it creeping in rapidly. Jared got bored and decided to end things. But I didn't like the way things ended. I hated the thought of saying 'goodbye' for good. There's nothing good that could come out of that. Nothing good that could come out of a 'goodbye'.

Just as I turned round to grab a perfume I saw Jared standing in the door frame with an amused look on his face.

"What are you doing Clara?"

"Isn't it obvious?", I replied biting my lip.

"It is, but why? Your flight is tomorrow."

"It's not like we've been talking too much these last two days. You've been distant and I don't understand why. And I think it's the best way. For me to leave. I can book a hotel, and I can manage from there."

"Come here.", he said opening his arms.

I went towards him and let my head slowly on his chest.

"I want to show you something.", he whispered, nuzzling my hair.

He took me down the hallway and opened the door to a bright and spacious room, filled with paints, musical instruments and sheets of paper. In the middle of the room was a canvas. My eyes widened and I let out a big sob when seeing the person in the painting. It was me.
It was the exact opposite effect that Jared had hoped for a reaction.

"Hey, hey....look at me.", he said forcing me to look into his eyes.

"I can't...because I know what this means.", I managed to say through tears.

"You know it had to happen. Sooner or later. I'm doing this because I could end up fucking up your life. It's bad enough that you're cheating on your husband because of me. I can't do this. I can't let myself have more feelings for you than I already have."


"No, it's best that way Clara.", he said slowly kissing me on the forehead.

I looked into his eyes and realised that the feeling was the same. He suffered just as much as I did. The timing between us was so bad. Too bad. We were good for each other, but we were also destroying us.

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