Chapter 4-Jared

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People want to hear songs with the words they're afraid to say...


"Oh look who decided to show up on the radar. You fucked her didn't you?", asked Shannon with a big grin on his face.

"I have, obviously. Gave her a good Leto fuck. Or two. Or twenty.", I replied with the same grin on my face.

"You're different. You're not too convinced about it.",noticed Shannon sipping from his coffee.

"She is different. It's not just a fuck this time."

"Don't tell me you like her?", asked Shannon confused.

"I like her because she is smart. I can actually talk to her without hearing the words 'oh Jared' every two seconds."

"But you like to hear them in bed."

"It's the only place I wanna hear them in.", I replied.

"Are you gonna see her again?"

"Don't think so. Will keep in touch with her though. She is classy and smart enough to hold a conversation."

"I don't know about you bro but I like them dumb and pretty. It's not like I'm gonna get married any time soon."

"But you like Jessie. You're different when it comes to her.", I said.

"She's sweet. I like her, but we both know we will never fall in love."

"She kept you in check for the last years didn't she?"

"She has, and she doesn't mind when I mess around with someone else."

I always wondered if there was someone out there that could ever make us fall in love. That could ever make us tick.

Clara, she was a stunner. A perfect ten from head to toes. She was smart, beautiful and witty. But she lacked a lot of things that I was in love with. Adventure. Standing up for herself. For the love of God she was marrying someone she didn't love.

"You know we have to find a new assistant Mirka is pregnant.", said Shannon waking me up from my thoughts.

"What? How the fuck did that happen?", I asked nervously.

"'s a long story involving a lot of complicated positions.", replied Shannon innocently.

"I've told you a million times not to fuck my assistants.", I replied drily.

"Don't worry she won't be keeping it. We discussed about it."

"You know how hard it is to find good help nowadays. And Mirka was really a good assistant."

"I know but when you chose them like's really hard to keep it in your pants, you know."

"I have to ask her to organise an interview. Not that again. I hate having to let her go. Next time keep your affairs in check okay?", I said angrily.

I was a bit disappointed having to let Mirka go. She was always there for me. The good times and the bad times. She had an innate sense for business and she was like a pitbull when it came to defending the band's image and the brand.

I called her in the office and made her a cup of tea.

"How are you feeling today?", I asked handing her the cup.

"Shannon told you, didn't he?"

"He has. And I have to say I'm very surprised. I didn't think it would happen."

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