Chapter 11-Little Brother

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We're so desperate to be understood, that we forget to be understanding...


"We do hope you understand that you will be forbidden to leave the country, for now, Mr. Leto.

Drunk driving is a felony no matter how you put it."

"Yeah, yeah...", I said dismissively.

"You do understand that the obstruction of justice will only make things worse."

"Look man...I do understand. But I didn't do anything."

"You nearly killed a woman."

"That's nonsense. I'd never do that. Good reflexes dude.", I replied wiggling my fingers.

"Mr. Leto! Do you think this is a joke?", asked the police officer visibly irritated.

"I called my brother he will sort everything out...since I can't pay my own bail..."

I called Ella. For some weird reason I thought that she might be the one that will help. I knew she would bring Jared along as well. For some reason I started to like her. She knew exactly what she had to do, when she had to do it. And Jared was very different when he was around her. He was more balanced, more reasonable. I did sometimes liked the way she twitched her nose, and I did sometimes liked the fact that she curled strands of her hair in between her fingers. Was I having other feelings for her?

After about an hour we heard a knock in the door. Another police officer came in and announced my bail was paid.

"See, told you it will be sorted out.", I blurted out to the officer.

"Your driver's license will be suspended.", the other officer added with a grin.

"I don't really care.", I said waving my hand and taking a bow.

Outside an angry Jared and an embarrassed Ella were waiting for me.

"Don't say another word Shan.", started Jared.

"I'm not.", I said going straight to Ella and hugging her.

"Ella, can you manage from here? I need to take my brother home and have a talk with him.", said Jared clearly pissed off.

"Yes, sure...I will go see how my mother is. It's not that..."

"Ok. See you tomorrow.", replied Jared, opening the car door for me to get in.

What was going on? I was a bit hazy, but I wasn't an idiot.

"Did I just see you be rude to Ella?"

"In what way was I rude?", asked Jared.

"You just told her to fuck off. In the polite way. What's up with you two?"

"Shan. I don't wanna talk about it.", she said rubbing his temples as he stopped at a red light.

"Where we goin'?"


Jared was pissed off for some reason. I decided to text Ella to see if everything was okay, since Jared ended the subject so abruptly. She replied almost instantly that everything was fine.

The second we got home I lit myself a cigarette and poured a glass of vodka.

"Seriously you're at it again?!", I heard Jared screaming from behind me.

"And what do you want me to do? Cry? Look little bro, you're pissed for some reason and unless you tell me what's up with you I'm not gonna be able to understand.", I replied trying to sound reasonable.

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