"Lauren listen to me!" I yell into her face. "I didn't sleep with her, I love you."

"That's fucking bullshit, everyone is talking about it, and apparently you weren't exactly quiet!" She screams as more tears roll down her face and she shoves me again I grab her wrists and she just stares at me while continuing to cry.

"Lauren I didn't sleep with her."

"Everyone is talking about it Camila, stop fucking lying!"

"I'm not fucking lying, you need to let me fucking explain Laur, just listen to what I have to say please." I plead, keeping her wrists in my hands as she falls against me and rests her head on my shoulder. I wrap my arms around her and she cries against me as she door slowly opens and Miss Kelly walks in.

"After what I've heard I don't think you should be here Camila."

I let out a sigh before pushing Lauren away from me and then resting my forehead against hers while brushing her hair out of her face and then lightly kissing her.

"I love you and I'll explain everything I promise."

"D-don't leave me." She whispers as I move away from her, Miss Kelly walks towards us and then places her arms around Lauren.

"I'm not going to leave you Lauren, I will never leave you." I reply, stepping closer to her and then backing away as the Blonde teacher glares at me. "I guess I'll be going to homeroom then." I mutter, turning around and then making my way out of the room, shutting the door after I walk out of the room and then leaning against it before letting out a sigh.

"What's wrong with you?" Jennel asks, standing in front of me and smirking at me as she grabs the edges of my shirt and pulls me closer to her a group of jocks walk past us.

"Get off me." I say, grabbing her wrist and then pulling it away from me before throwing it down to her side. "You've fucking ruined my life, this needs to end, now."

"What are you talking about?" She asks, cocking her right eyebrow while smirking at me.

"We're over Jennel, fucking hell I hate you we're finished!" I scream at her causing people to start staring at us.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

"Ending this fucking bullshit because I can't do this anymore it's ruining my life and Alex wants you so go and fucking get her!" I scream into her face, shoving her away from me and then storming towards my locker, taking three attempts to open it before grabbing the joints that I still keep at the back. I stuff them into my pocket and then walk down the corridor, glaring at anyone that attempts to make eye contact with me.

I walk out on to the football field and walk through the cheerleading practice, not caring that they're all staring at me as I make my way up to the bleachers, walking up the stairs until I'm at the top. I take my bag off and sling it down before sitting down and sliding a joint out of my pocket, placing it between my lips and then grabbing the spare lighter out of my bag.

I light the joint and then inhale the fumes before blowing them out and then lying down, staring up at the sky while taking another drag of the joint, fuck I forgot how good this was. I slowly shut my eyes and flick the end of the joint so the ash falls to the ground.

When I finally open my eyes Lauren is stood above me, glaring down at me while holding my lighter and the end of the joint up so I can see them. I sit up and take them off her before shoving them in my bag as she sits next to me.

"I didn't sleep with her." I whisper, running my fingers through my hair as she places her hands in her lap, lacing her fingers together.


Teacher (camren)Where stories live. Discover now