"Shut up whining Shawn, you'll get a joint soon." Zen says, flipping him off as I wrap my arms around her and she rests her head against my shoulder. She places the joint in between my lips and smiles at me before pulling the joint out of my mouth as I blow the smoke into her face.

"Um...Who are you and why are you here?"

I turn around and there is a family stood in the living room. A short woman and giant of a man, who are staring at the three of us, with confused expressions. Stood next to them is a girl with long brown hair, ripped black jeans and a Miami Heat hoodie, holding her hand is a girl with bleach blonde hair and a black snapback on.

"Fuck." Zendaya mumbles under her breath before stubbing the joint out in the ashtray and then passing it to me, I just stand there holding it as Zen runs her fingers through her hair. Can someone please explain why there is a random family stood in the middle of the living room? And why Zen is the only one that seems to know who they are?

"Hey Zendaya." The girl with long hair says, running towards us and pulling the blonde girl with her. "What are you doing here?"

"Um, hey Taylor, I'm...um I came to get something off Normani, yea that." Zendaya mumbles, looking around the kitchen for something to grab hold of, I just stand there with a joint in my hand and Shawn is just staring around the room while still awkwardly drinking out of the beer can.

"Where is she?"

"She's probably with your sister." Zendaya replies, walking out of the kitchen and pulling me with her, because I was just stood there with my mouth open at the fact that Lauren's family just watched me drinking and smoking a joint.

"Yea but which one?" She asks, in reference to Chris as well as Lauren, laughing slightly while her girlfriend eyes up the joint that I still have in my hand. I quickly grab the box with my weed in off the counter as Zendaya pulls me towards the front door. On the way she picks up Lauren's fruit bowl and I have to attempt to hold in a laugh. "Bye guys."

Zendaya drags me out of the apartment, slamming the door behind her and then leaning against the wall.

"Why the hell have you got a fruit bowl?" I ask and Zendaya just flips me off before glaring at me.

"It was the first thing I saw, anyway you better tell Lauren that her family are here." Zen replies as I slide my phone out of my pocket and then dial Lauren's number. Fuck where the hell is Shawn? Oh shit I think we left him inside with Lauren's family.

"Um Z we left Shawn inside." I say to Zendaya who just bursts into laughter before opening the apartment door and walking inside, Lauren answers the phone as Zendaya shuts the apartment door.

"Hey baby." She says and I instantly smile before remembering the reason I was ringing her. "I'm just leaving work now."

"Um Lauren your family is in the apartment."

"They're where?!" She practically screams down the phone, I let out a sigh as I run my fingers through my hair. "What did you say to them? What happened?"

"Well I went in with Shawn and Zendaya and we went straight into the kitchen so we didn't even see them. And we may have been smoking joints and drinking before they actually said anything to us." I mumble knowing that Lauren is either going to scream at me or have a mental breakdown in the middle of the school parking lot.

"D-do they know who you are? D-do they know about us?"

"No they don't know who I am; they just think that I'm one of Zendaya's friends. Lauren practically saved the day, but she does have your fruit bowl and we did leave Shawn inside." I say into my phone as Zendaya walks out of the apartment with Shawn behind her.

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