Honeymoon jitters

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" What do you mean Ivan is- well just put it in the- does anyone listen to what I say?" Dimitri spoke to the others on the phone in the other room. From the sound of it, things were quite hectic without him there to keep things in line.

Currently Dimitri and I were on our honey moon. We had decided to travel to the tropics and enjoy the warm weather.

About Brody and Steven I hear Brody is sitting cozy in a jail cell in Siberia while Steven is enjoying his splendid isolation. I'm sure he's not bored with his closet full of video games.

I let my nose dip into the bubbles of the bubble bath I was currently taking. Whenever I stayed in hotels, my inner five year old came out and I always run a bubble bath to get in the mood.

Suddenly I noticed I didn't hear Dimitri's voice anymore in the other room. I turned my head to the door of the bathroom only to see him gazing lovingly my way.

" How are things back in Russia?" I asked as I slushed around in the tub.

" Fine." He said, his eyes never leaving me.

" Oh, that's good." I awkwardly mumbled as I couldn't think of anything else to say. His gaze made me feel a little nervous. I don't know how I'm ever going to get use to his charming ways.

We still hadn't tied the knot if you know what I mean, so there was always that tension in the air. But I always chickened out before he could get too far. I don't know why I couldn't just do it. I guess I'm still not good at this whole wife thing.

Noticing my troubled manor Dimitri came this way, a smile hanging slightly on his lips.

" Don't worry Anna, this week isn't about Russia. It's about you, my treasured wife." Dimitri cooed as he kissed me.

After our kiss he rested his hand on my cheek, rubbing away the remanence of whatever bubbles still lied there with his thumb.

He then got a little closer, kissing my neck. His warm kisses trailing my collar bone. His hands went to my shoulders and slowly crept down.

Suddenly Dimitri, pijamas and all, came into the oversized bathtub with me. Things escalated from there. Our kisses deepened and our breaths intermingled. His hands explored every inch of me and mine explored his chest and back. Then as things were getting a little crazy I felt something that made me nervous all over again.

" Dimitri." I gasped out of breath. " not yet, I can't." I huffed as I felt his little friend poking me.

" Why?" He huffed, too invested at this point to quit.

" I'm just not ready." I said, my cheeks as red as a tomato.

" Are you scared, it only hurts the first time." He reassured me. His eyes searching mine for total consent before continuing further.

" No it's just..." I said as I broke eye contact. Why couldn't I do it? We were married after all! I loved him with all my heart, so why? I wanted to become closer to him but some unknown force was holding me back.

" What?" Dimitri asked getting a little sick of my constant refusal.

" I'm sorry Dimitri!" I said as I quickly jumped out of the bath and grabbed a robe. I covered myself and left out to the patio to cool my nerves a bit.

I sat down on the chairs they had out there and rested my elbows on my knees. I watched the tropical sunset and listened to the sea birds. Here we were, celebrating our marriage in such a beautiful country and yet I keep pushing him away like this.

Now he must be mad at me for running...

Suddenly the sound of a phone ringing caught my attention! I jumped at the sudden loud noise and quickly found the phone on the table next to me. It was Dimitri's phone.

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