Suprised guest!

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The air was cold and still between us. I was about to make a move when the front door to the mansion flew open. A woman came running in, the sound of her boot heals hitting the ground echoed in the large lounge.

" Where is she?!" The woman asked as she looked around franticly until her eyes stuck to me.

I froze in place as she stared at me with wide-open eyes. Her eyes were a mint like color and her hair was long and straight. The color of her hair reminded me of coffee with a little bit of creamer in it. She was the perfect height with heels on and she looked like she came straight out of a magazine. She was beautiful to put it simply.

" Now Sofia!" Exclaimed Dimitri as he came running in after her.

" It's you!" She squealed as she ran this way.

I looked to Ivan and he had an almost scared look on his face. Who exactly is this woman and why is she looking for me!!!

" Anna! I have heard so much about you." The woman cried as she engulfed me with a huge bear hug.

" W-what?" I managed to blurt out. I couldn't figure out who this woman was or what was going on.

" Although, at first I thought Dimitri was lying about having a girlfriend in America." She mumbled to herself before giving Dimitri a death glare.

" Wait, Dimitri told you about me?" I asked, as suddenly Dimitri was right next to us.

How did he know about me before this whole mess?!

" That's enough Sofia, give Anna some space." Dimitri demanded, putting his hands on my shoulders and turned me away from Sofia.

" Listen, just go along with her I promise I will explain things as soon as possible." Whispered Dimitri in my ear, his breath tickled my neck.

I couldn't help but remember what Brody did this morning as he did so, and found myself retreating a few feet away. If you don't really look hard they look like the same person.

" What did you tell the poor girl to make her run away like that?" Asked Sofia, she looked confused to say the least. Sofia made her way back to where I was, this time calmer and slower." I'm Sofia, Dimitri's older sister... Nice to meet you." She introduced as she put her hand out to shake hands with me.

I gladly excepted her hand and introduced myself." Nice to meet you I'm.... Anna." As I spoke I looked to Dimitri nervously.

" Awww, she is just too cute!" Sofia exclaimed as she once again hugged me.

" Um Boss?" Ivan hesitantly asked as he looked between Sofia and I.

" It's Fine." Dimitri dismissed.

" Soooo.... How did you two meet?" Sofia looked me in the eyes, ready for the most romantic story of all time. Little did she know, I was forced here and have no intention of starting a relationship with anyone.

" Ahhh.." I said as suddenly Dimitri grabbed my arm and dragged me off to a nearby room away from Sofia.

He shut the door behind him and let me go. He let out a big sigh then looked up at me.

" Sofia and everyone else here thinks we're engaged. The only people who know the truth are Brody, Ivan, Nikolia, and two others you haven't met yet." Whispered Dimitri in his deep Russian accent he only used when he was being serious.

" Why?" I asked and Dimitri seemed to tense up.

" Well....." He started, his cheeks got a little pink and he looked away.

"You may not remember but we met about a year ago at your companies party. There I saw you for the first time. I remember seeing how strong and beautiful you were I just..." He mumbled as he looked away again.

" We'll that's beside the point. The point is if you want to ever go back home you need to sign this." He ordered as he reached into his suite and pulled out a piece of paper.

It was a marriage registration form!....

* Authors Note: hi guys sorry for taking so long to update. I know that this chapter was very short and was kinda all over the place so sorry 😓. Will she go along with Dimitri's game or find her own way out. And the picture at the beginning is Sofia. Thanks for all the votes and reads and remember to comment... Well till next time🐯

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