The wedding

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The sound of the tires coming increasingly closer caused the crowd to look down the street. My jaw tightened as I noticed it wasn't Dimitri's car but a white limo.

It screeched to a halt right in front of the church. Some of the other Mafia members reached into their coats to most likely ready their guns. Every second we waited in suspense I couldn't help but feel detached, almost like I was watching an action movie. It's hard to believe this wasn't a movie and that I was actually part of this whole mess.

The back door opened and a pair of familiar leather dress shoes hit the slushy street. Steven came out with a bouquet of white roses in his hands. How typical of him.

" I'm here to make sure Anna's wedding isn't ruined." Steven announced with a smirk. Sure, what a hero he is to show up after Brody ruined the vibe already.

" You're no better than him." Nikolai said as he shot daggers at Steven with his icy glare.

" I know, that's why I'm here. I have come to pick up the trash. It seems Brody and I have done enough here." Steven said as he casually walked over to us.

His eyes shot over my way and he handed me the flowers." A gift." He said with a wink.

" I hope there are no threatening letters this time." I warn noticing a tan card hidden inside the bouquet of white roses.

" Honey the last thing I would want is to ruin your big day with our little games." He purred brushing my hair behind my ear.

It took all my strength not to flinch at his touch. I had to at least pretend I'm strong here. I have all these mafia men around me so I feel safe knowing Steven can't hurt me without being filled with lead first.

After that he walked over to Brody and threw him over his shoulder." Alright, I'm off." Steven said as he headed back to his limo and waved to us.

As soon as his limo drove out of sight it felt like a huge weight came off my shoulders. I let out a sigh and looked down at the flowers I had received. I took the note card out, careful not to cut myself on the thorns.

" roses are red
violets are blue
I think it's about time I gave up on you.

" Are you okay Anna?" Sofia asked as she looked back and forth between me and the bouquet.

" I'm fine now." I said as I shot her a smile. I handed her the note and she smirked as she read it.

" His poetry sucks." She laughed as she crumpled it up and threw it over her shoulder.

Nikolai helped herd all the others out of the dressing room leaving Sofia and I to do our finishing touches. Finally things were going back on track and my wedding was still on.

" This is turning out to be a very interesting afternoon." I joked and set the flowers on my vanity. They were quality roses and it would be a shame to throw them out so I had decided to keep them. In a way they symbolized change. They welcomed a new chapter in my life, one free of Steven's obsession.

" You bet it." Sofia said as she looked at the blood stain on the carpet." We should make that jerk pay for the carpet cleaning services."

" After the wedding." I scolded as I tried to change the topic. No more speaking about Brody or his mess. That was in the past and I'm looking to the future.

Sofia fixed up the last few things and we were finally ready. She left first and I waited for my queue. With every passing minute, my heart seemed to race faster. Excitement filling my body as I looked forward to seeing Dimitri all dressed up. I know he dresses nice everyday but today he has dressed up for me.

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