Cutting ties

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The whole ride to the hospital was quiet. Nikolai tried to turn on the radio to at least have some kind of noise in the car to distract from the awkwardness. I didn't know any of the songs because they were all in Russian so I couldn't even hum along to get my mind off things. Some were good but I just couldn't get in the mood. After seeing me rather unaffected by the music Nikolai changed the station to a news station.

I let out a sigh and stared out the window. This place was so much different from America. The buildings were all unique and gave off a classical feel to them, almost as if we were in the past.

" Nikolai, I believe I deserve to know what city I'm in." I said not looking at him.

He hesitated for a moment and then spoke," St. Petersburg." He said in an emotionless voice.

" Oh..." Was all I could think to say. I wasn't well educated on where Russian cities were but later I could google it.

As the hospital came into sight my heart started to pick up pace.

" You only have fifteen minuets, then we have to head to the airport." Nikolai said as he opened the passenger side door for me.

" Okay." I said with a downward gaze.

We walked through the lobby and into the elevator. A woman shared the elevator with us and she had a rather large baby bump. Her smile was the part that stood out the most. She looked so happy. She practically beamed with joy.

For some reason her joy rubbed off on me and I felt less gloomy. As we got off on the fifth floor the familiar smell of ammonia hit us like a pile of bricks.

We made it to the room with Boris and Ivan and I held back tears.

" Anna?" Ivan said in surprise, he had his pain pills in his hands.

" Hello." I said in a quiet tone." I wanted to thank you both for helping me even though you knew it would hurt you. I'm sorry you two got hurt protecting me and I think of you both as family." I said as a tear escaped and rolled down my left cheek.

Boris sat up right in his bed and looked over at Ivan. His poker face never ceased to amaze me.

Ivan gave me an confused face." What's this all of a sudden? Why are you crying?" He asked as he put the pills down on his nightstand.

" She is departing to America in the next few hours. She insisted we come here to see you two before she leaves." Nikolai said as he stood in the doorway.

" You're leaving!?" Ivan asked as he almost pulled the IV out of his arm and got up from his bed.

I nodded.

" Was this your idea, or his?" Boris asked a calm demeanor.

I looked to Nikolai only to see him look the other way." It's what's best." He said.

" There is no way I'm letting you go Anna, we all need you here. You make our lives more exciting and meaningful, without you who are we suppose to sacrifice our lives for?" Ivan asked half serious and half jokingly. Typical Ivan.

" Dimitri needs you guys. I have decided to stop burdenIng you and take my leave. It's been nice getting to know you but all good things must come to an end." I said as a lump formed in my throat.

" You aren't burdening us Anna!" Ivan said as he looked to Boris," Isn't that right Boris?!" He asked in desperation.

He didn't say anything for a while then he let out a sigh followed by a nod.

" It's my fault you two are in this hospital, it doesn't matter what you two say I'm not changing my mind. I have come to thank you and say goodbye and that's exactly what I have done." I said cutting the conversation there and turning to leave.

" Boris say something to her!" Ivan said looking over at a surprisingly calm Boris.

" She is a grown woman, and will do what she wants. Nothing I say or do will change her decision." He said as he laid back down in his bed.

I didn't get to hear the rest of their conversation because I had left the room and was waiting for an elevator to take me back to the lobby.

" I know it's hard but-" Nikolai said before I interrupted him.

" I know, it's what's best. I believe you." I said not making eye contact. A part of me just wanted to be on that plane back home but another part of me wanted to live here with the Mafia forever.

After that it was a non stop drive to the airport. Once we arrived I found out rather fast the plane we were taking was the private jet I was smuggled here on. After learning that fact I soon learned I would be riding alone.

Nikolai handed me my belongings and looked me in the eyes.

" In my eyes you are my daughter. I hate to see you upset. Promise me you will continue to smile and live a fulfilling life." He said as he brushed a piece of loose hair behind my ear.

" I promise." I said as I shot him a weak smile.

" That's my girl, be strong." He said as he kissed my forehead and gave me one last firm hug.

I was going to miss his raspy voice and that dad vibe he gave off. Who am I kidding I'm going to miss Karolek's cute teenage tendencies, and Tanks wet nose. Ivan's flirty grin and Boris' calm demeanor. Dimitri's protective personality and Sofia's welcoming smile. The people I have met here have changed my life forever. The memories and relationships I have formed here will be ever lasting and unforgettable.

Even though I was forced to be here it has turned out to be the best thing to ever happen to me and I'm going to miss all the amazing people I have met. The only thing that could make this departure more painful would be Dimitri coming.

I hugged Nikolai back and walked up the stairs to board the jet.

" ANNA WAIT!" Yelled two people as the sound of heels hitting the runway echoed in the open area.

I turned and my heart dropped. Why of all people did it have to be the two hardest friends to say goodbye to?

Authors note: I'm so sorry it took so long to update. I have been busy enjoying no school that I totally forgot to write. Well I hope you liked the new chapter and no this is not the end. There is still at least six more chapters before the end so don't freak out. Till then stay awesome and remember to comment and vote. Thanks!🐯

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