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A hardy breakfast smell hung in the air as the sounds of men yelling and talking filled our ears. Long tables full of appetizing foods and men stretched out deep into the room filling every inch of the place.

" If I were you I would sit by the Boss, there you are guarantied food. Everywhere else you'll have to fight for it." Nikolai advised as he gave me a big Russian smile.

It was manly but not too scary, it was kind but not weak. I think those kinds of smiles are the best, only few can master the look.

Suddenly the room around us became dead quiet... All the men in the room suddenly stopped what they were doing and looked straight at us.

As if practiced every person in the room hit their fists on the wooden tables and yelled," Good-Morning-Miss. Anna!"

I was lost for words...I looked up at Nikolai who was surprisingly calm for what we just witnessed.

" This is a normal greeting for the Boss's fiancée." He whispered to me from the side.

" FIAN- what!!!???" I exclaimed a little louder than expected.

" Wait you didn't know?" Nikolai asked as he shot a glance over to where Dimitri sat.

" Why-" is all I could say before Dimitri came up and gave me a glare that struck me speechless.

" It seems my fiancée, is a little tired right now, so please refrain from the questions right now." Dimitri quickly draged me over to the head of a table.

" When were you planning on telling me this!?" I scream whispered to him trying not to make a scene.

" Shhhhh, I will explain later. For now eat, then let's get you cleaned u-." He whispered before his eyes stopped at my dress. " Where did you get that dress?" He asked as a frown became visible on his face.

" Nikolai gave it to me to wear... Why?" I started to worry about whose dress it was. Whoever it was must really be something to cause him to act like that.

" Never mind, just eat." He ended the conversation and looked the other way.

I just shrugged my shoulders and tried not to let his sour attitude effect me. I scanned the now noisy table and it didn't take long before I notice a familiar face! It was the lady's man guy!

" Um, I'm sorry but I never learned your name." I said as I tried to start a conversation with the blond. He just replied with smug grin and a slight chuckle.

" Ivan." He introduced, his blue eyes staring into mine.

My cheeks blushed red and I didn't even have to look in a mirror to know it.

" Now is the time to eat, not talk." Snapped Dimitri, he then put a piece of bacon in his mouth.

What was his problem, he's acting like he's jealous or something? As I looked down at my plate I noticed Dimitri had already put food on it for me... How sweet.

Suddenly Ivan squeezed in next to me on my left while Dimitri was on my right. The room was already full of different people and conversations in Russian so no one noticed the changes. I didn't have many options to whom I could socialize with so I chose to talk to him rather than Dimitri.

" So how was your first night here, did the Boss try to make a move on you?" Asked Ivan as he gave Dimitri a mischievous side glance.

" No but-" I stopped myself.

" No, but who?" Asked Ivan now very interested in the topic.

In the corner of my eye I could see Dimitri was also quite interested in the topic, except in a different way. The look on his face was one of a killer. He looked pissed and ready to kill someone at a moments notice.

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