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Steven was relaxing on his freakishly large bed as he began to tell me something useful for once.

" Dimitri and I were friends a long time ago. For as long as I have known him he has never once done anything special for a girl. Sure he would be polite but that was as far as his interest in them went." Steven said as he pointed to the mini fridge." Grab me a beer, this is a long story."

" Errr, fine." I mumbled as I did anything for more info." Why did you two break up?"

" Well Dimitri wasn't exactly the right fit for me." Steven said as he opened his beer." He was way to serious all the time. Ever since his dad left to prison he had to grow up." Steven said as he put the beer to his lips." Brody on the other hand was just like me. I guess you could say we just clicked."

" What about that makes Dimitri a bad person?" I asked not sure why he would start there.

" Well due to Dimitri not having any friends the guy became a cold hearted mob boss. He showed practically no mercy for anyone." Steven said as he set down his beer on the nightstand next to the bed." He was in a bad state and things weren't looking good. He traveled to America about a year ago and came back acting strange. He started to mull around in American affairs more than the ones here." Steven said as his comment reminded me of something Dimitri once told me.

I remember he told me he met me at a company party about a year ago. If he was telling the truth then what Steven has been saying must have some truth to it.

" Every time I would try to strike up a conversation with the guy he would always tell me he was busy. He took regular trips to America and never explained why." Steven said as he looked to me." Brody would fill in for Dimitri every time he left. Brody had access to Dimitri's office and what he found even shocked me." Steven said as he got off the bed and walked over to his computer.

" What was it?" I asked as my heart started to beat faster.

" We found documents regarding a little business called Alex's BBQ Grill." Steven said as he pulled up a picture of my dad's failed business.

" T-that's my dad's restaurant." I said as I examined the computer screen. There was no doubt, it was his. Since this restaurant failed and my dad passed away all the debt of the failed company landed on my shoulders.

" It would seem Dimitri was rather interested in this little plot of land. He sent a few of his men in to consult with your father. When your father refused to comply, the little restaurant disappeared off the face of the earth." Steven said with a grin as he looked at me.

" N-no Dimitri would never do that." I said as I hoped he wouldn't. I mean that's not a good way to get a girl to like you." Do you know what he had to speak to my dad about?" I asked as I felt sick to my stomach.

" Nope. You will have to ask him that yourself. But that's not all. Not only did Dimitri take down that restaurant but he raised the price of interest on it more than normal. It was ten times higher than the average." Steven said as he pulled up a photo of a billing sheet. It had my maiden name on it and all the payments I needed to pay.

" So he is the reason I'm in debt?!" I asked now very angry. Why did he never feel the need to tell me this?

" We also found these people's information in his desk." Steven said as he pulled up yet another picture.

There was a picture of my dad and a red 'X' over his head. Next there was a picture of me. It was clear Dimitri had known more about me then he led me on to believe. That also must be why Brody gave me a weird look when I mentioned my debt to him the first time. He must have put all the pieces together.

" Why is my dads picture like that?" I asked as my heart twisted in pain.

" Do you know how your dad passed?" Steven asked as he took another swig of his beer.

" He died of a heart attack." I said a little unsure now. Could it be? Did Dimitri, the man I have fallen head over heels for have something to do with my dad's death?

" That's funny, because this police report says otherwise." Steven said throwing me a stack of papers. How did he get pictures of the police report? The Russian Mafia truly was a force to be reckon with.

My heart dropped. Under cause of death it said in messy police handwriting suffocation. My dad was murdered?! Why did no one tell me this. Everyone has told me it was a heart attack. Suddenly the thought of the police officer that had helped me through that time came to mind. I remembered his number.

" Do you have a phone?" I asked as my fists tightened in rage.

" Yeah but if you call the police your skin will never see the light of day again." He threatened as he handed me a phone. His eyes watched as I typed in each number." Put it on speaker." He growled and I did as he said.

The sound of a woman's voice came on before it had the chance to ring.

" I'm sorry this number is no longer available." The woman's voice said then the phone call ended.

Was the number a fake? Did that guy even work for the police? What did Dimitri do?

" That's disappointing." Steven said as he took the phone back and shoved it into his pocket." That was the same number of an old friend of mine. I guess I need to get his new number." Steven said as he threw his now empty beer into a small trash can in the corner of his room." How do you know that number?" He asked as he shot me a side glance.

I fell to my knees right then and there. I had been lied to ever since I came to this god forsaken country. I'm so stupid for believing I could trust a kidnapping Mafia boss. I don't have anyone I can trust, if I'm getting out of here I have to do it myself.


The smell of mint hang in the air and dried tears on my cheeks made my face feel sticky. I got up to see Steven passed out on the floor. His shirt was no where to be seen and the TV was stuck on the pause screen. Something jabbed me in the back and I noticed it was a controller.

I didn't remember when I fell asleep last night but when I woke up this morning to my neck hurting and my body twisted in ball on a bean bag I knew it was probably full of me playing video games to get my mind off of my betrayal. I was still wearing my clothes from the day before and I had to pee. I got up and went to the bathroom only to hear a dogs bark outside. Did Steven have a dog too? I walked back into his room only to see him up too now and looking out his window in a panic.

" Did your dog get out?" I asked as I too peeked out the window.

" I don't have any dogs." He growled as his face resembled one of a cornered animal. He looked like he was ready to attack something.

" Then w-" I asked as golden fur in the snow below brought a smile to my face.

Authors note: sorry guys I have really bad writers block right now and it's hard to post. I know this chapter is small but it's better than nothing so I hope you liked it. Is Steven a trustworthy source? Did Dimitri have something to do with all the misfortune in Anna's life? Find out soon. But till then remember to vote and comment. I love all your comments so keep them up. 🐯

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