chapter 2: Me, myself and pizza.

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Arggh! I'm late.  I'm soooo dead.

It's still my POV.

Struggling on a Monday morning for work. I Still haven't gotten the hang of it yet and guess who's making that happen today, Tayo.

He came back very early today at about 2a.m, not letting me go back to bed despite my several attempts, because he felt bored. So he found it wise to pick a quarrel at 2am on every issue, just so he keeps boredom at bay. First we quarrelled about how i was suppose to know he would come back home and how its just me being mean 'Ali' by not leaving him any dinner, then he found it an interesting pay back to spill milk all over me when I started dosing while he ranted off about my several mean gestures. Its not my fault the guy nags like a girl sometimes and I was just too sleepy to stay awake while he nagged nonstop. Like that was not enough, just when I thought my peace had been restored, he barges in and forces me to cook him 'breakfast' at 3:40am.

Urghhh, now I'm late and he's sleeping away not having a care that the girl you made stay up late with you will get late for work! I am just rambling, ain't I? Fine, I'll shut up.

"I'm gone!!!" I yell by the door before leaving. I rush towards the gate. I can't be late again. The other workers already see me as someone slacking off. I need to change that. Huff. If only i could fly.

"Ali!!  Wait."

What the..? I thought he was still sleeping? What does he want now. I pause and face back at a half naked, bare chested Tayo.  Did I mention he is handsome? Like yummy handsome. Now, without a shirt or any covering from his waist up just makes him a greek god or whatever sexy metaphor you could give a sexy guy. 

Eyes up Alima, eyes up. Tayo jogs out of the apartment towards me with his 'I just woke up face'  I try not to blush, the idiot might think something perverted. 
He stands in front of me and yawns. What does he want now? I'm getting seriously late.

"Here, buy meat when you're coming back." he hands me money. I look at the money... 1500 naira. Isn't this too much for meat? and just for the two of us?
"That's my share, so add yours. Make the meat plenty o." he gave a small smile.

What??  Is this why he stopped me?  I looked at him with a pissed off look. 
"Is this why you delayed me?!!!!" I yell out. 
Argghhh this stupid, self-absorbed, body building moron.  I turn around and head towards the gate. I've had enough for one morning. He could have just called me at work to let me know.

"you'll still buy it ba?"  he calls out after me.

'F*** you' was at the tip of my tongue  but I can't say that, It's a Monday morning, I shouldn't let the day rotten even more and I'm already outside by the road side. Oya bike come my way. I can't be more late than this. 

I stood for about ten minutes waiting for transportation and in that ten minutes I lost count of the number of private cars that had at most two to zero passengers in them and not even one offered a ride to the junction. Nawa o. Which brings me to the question, why are private motorists so stingy?
It wasn't until I had resigned to walking my way to my street junction that a bike came my way.

Well its too early in the week to dwell on that. I hope to have a nice day at work.


I don't like coming home late like this.  I'm sooo tired.  Work didn't go easy on me.  I had to work some extra hours because I came late.  My boss is sooo mean.  I don't know why.... but she almost behaves like Tayo. Nag nag nag.
I can't even think about what we will argue about now that I'm pretty late coming home. And I bought meat. With the 1500 of course.  Why would I  add my share when the money is just too much to buy meat for just two people.  I can't even start cleaning it. I should do it tomorrow.
I drag myself into the apartment. All my muscles feel so tense.  I can't lift my fingers to make dinner.

"you're home. At this time?" Tayo drops his game console, looks at the time.  "it's 11pm. " he widens his eyes.

Yes, it is." I agree without an argument. I'm just too tired.  I drag to the kitchen to drop the meat into the freezer. Tayo follows.

"Great, you bought meat."  He brings out a cooking bowl.  Is this for real?
I look at him with  unbelievable eyes.  No no no.  I can't argue. Let's Just ignore him. I work out of the kitchen. 

I don't even want to start any conversation but I know he would start now.

"where are you going?"

"My room."

"Are we still cooking the meat?"

"I'm too tired. "

He sighs for awhile.

"I bought pizza if you're hungry."

I take a look at the remaining four slices of pizza left. 

"Is this what you ate for dinner?" I ask. Why didn't he cook?.

"Yep, I kept waiting for your big head to come back. So I bought pizza." he replied.

I pulled out two slices of pizza and head to my room, slamming the door.  I'm soooo tired, I can't even argue on why he didn't cook. Don't care.

Stupid Tayo.

A/n : Tayo....
hope you liked it.... 
Like I said I dunno really know how to write  a love story but imma try.  Pls don't criticize too much.

So keep reading, comment and vote.

Thanks for your time.
Love y'all.

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