Chapter 24: I want to punch you.

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Argghhh. Packing is so hard. Rummaging through the pile of clothes on my bed and sorting them out, I keep thinking to myself, 'I Hope Tayo will miss the hell out of me once I'm out of this house'. Yep. Well, we can't say for sure though, Tayo is just that annoying. He might not even notice my absence. 
Speaking of him, He really didn't come back since two days ago. And, I still can't believe sided with my mum. But he said he'll come today to help load my things to Adesua's place. Lucky for me, Adesua's place is big enough for two. Thank you Adesua.

My siblings aren't home, my mom too. The twins decided they would take my mother to their university to know it's environment before finally resuming in January.

I'm leaving this place. I'll definitely miss my room. The kitchen. The memories of this place... with Tayo. Maybe it will be better to leave since it will hurt to stay in the same place with someone you are in love with but only sees you as a friend.... or just a roommate. "Tayo is so stupid." my smile felt sad. What if I told him that I kissed him? I wonder what he have to say to that.

I step out of my room, stretching for a bit, then looking back at the almost empty room. Oh well. I turn to face Tayo's room. Funnily, my curiosity crept in, all the time I spent with Tayo in this house,  I've never entered his room except for my brother but he has come into mine. I feel curious, I want to know what's inside his room.

Wait. Maybe it's locked. No no no. My brother's things are still in there. He might not have locked it. 
Let's peak....just a little won't hurt.

Standing at the foot of the door to Tayo's room,  contemplating to proceed with my little mission but at the back of my mind, I keep getting the feeling that If Tayo should catch me, I'm dead. He'll probably kick me out with full force. 

Screw it. I'm leaving anyway. It won't be that big of a deal. Just 5 minutes then. Once I hear his car drive in, I will quickly run out. 

OKAY. Let's go

I sneakily tiptoe into his room, the gush of wind hitting my face was a bit whelming. How can someone's room be this airy. Hmm his room looks neat. There's a big bed too. Wow, so Tayo's body lays here. I gently caress my hands on his bed sheet. Oh gawd, I'm such a little pervert. I quickly jerk away from the bed just in case I get caught. I glance around the room. Imagining Tayo's waking moments on this bed, dressing up..... I can't stop blushing. Geezzzz I becoming a big  pervert. Suddenly my glance moves towards his desk by the big window, where some books and files were placed on.  Hian, na wa for this books ooo. Tayo is such a nerd. I didn't even know he was a doctor until he told me. I always thought he was some sort of Model or an Actor.  My gaze soon fell on pile of papers on the ground by the desk, stacked up. I notice the tip of a picture sticking out. 

"Hmm? What's this?" I gently pull out the picture to avoid falling the tower of papers. Oh my God.

I froze with the picture in my hands. Is this? The couple in the picture look so happy. Tayo looked happy. A young woman giving him a big kiss on the cheek. 'Congratulations' written boldly on the picture. What year was this? And is she....his ex girlfriend? She's so beautiful and light skinned. Damn. I feel a bit jealous though. So this lady was once Tayo's love. I feel my heart cringe a little. What if I wanted to make him smile like this too?

Why would she decide to take her own life, leaving him with no reason. Uggh for some reason, I wish I could see this young woman who held Tayo tightly and probably give her the beating of her life. Well,  she's dead tho.

Still engrossed and embittered by just looking at the happy young couple, I didn't notice someone behind me.

"What are you doing?"

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