An end is a beggining

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There was a lot of waiting after that.
Blood drawn.
Eyes checked.

I had been here nearly three days now.
I was getting impatient.
The more I woke up, the more I wanted to just be home already. Familiar smells and sounds.
No more metallic medicine and constant beeping. At least my breathing mask had been downsized to small breathing tubes in my nose. I pictured myself as Hazel from The Fault in Our Stars.

It had been nearly two and a half days since I woke up, and they had finally allowed the lights to be turned on. I could see Phil now, instead of just hearing him. But it wasn't all that I had anticipated.
While I could still see his beautiful features that I knew all too well, they were hidden beneath dirty hair and tired eyes.
I wasn't any less attracted to him, but I was very worried.
He had hardly left the hospital, let alone my side. even while I was out cold. It wasn't fair to him.

I sat upright now, the hospital bed in position with my back. They had taken the sling off of my right arm, but there was now a black cast over my broken wrist. My left hand was cold. I wanted Phil to hold it again. Although- I wouldn't admit that to him. I couldn't help but blush a little when I remembered he has been holding my hand.
My head still ached, but they had been giving me a ton of medicine to help. It made me feel weird. I didn't like it.

Adrian had left yesterday.
I was grateful he had been there when I woke up.
While I thought it was reality at the time- I had dreamed about him a lot while unconscious.
And Phil told me about how he had found me. That only made me feel more guilty.
Phil must have been so terrified.

I looked over to him, sitting on his phone in the chair next to my hospital bed. He would scroll, then type for a moment, then continue scrolling. I could tell he was replying to tweets. My heart sank.
What effect had my accident had on the internet?
Did they even know I was in hospital?
What had Phil told them?
What had they said to Phil?
He doesn't even know what happened.
I hadn't even thought of all the pressure Phil must be getting from our fandom. Wondering where we where, how I was.
I sighed.
Phil looked up at me.
      "How's the Internet?" I wondered.
To my surprise- he jumped and began blushing.
      "Well- uh- its- they -" Phil stammered.
I furrowed my eyebrows.

He was acting strange.  And not just worried-about-me strange. I suddenly realized he never asked me how I had gotten injured.

      "Phil?"  He clamped his mouth shut. And looked at me directly with his sparkly, tired blue eyes.

       "Why haven't you asked me how I got hurt?" I questioned, "what do you know?"
Phil's eyes widened and he looked down to his phone in shame. He fidgeted with his hands awkwardly.
       "Well-uh. Because I know what happened. I mean- partially." He admitted.
       "What?" I asked- thoroughly confused.
Phil sighed and pulled his chair closer to me.
      "Someone filmed you. that day.. i woke up and saw the video on the internet." He stated, "well.. everyone did."

I stared at him. I heard the heart monitor speed up with the pounding in my chest. Phil grabbed my arm gently.

"Dan?" Phils expression turned to worry. I swallowed, my mouth suddenly feeling dry.

I couldn't remember what I said, or exactly how I had gotten hurt. But I remembered the girl. one of our fans. Chelsea. How she had reacted.

       "Did you mean it? What you said, i mean..about Phil. Being in love with him.."

I may not remember what I said exactly, but I had admitted my feelings for Phil. Feelings I had sworn to keep under control. And now Phil....He knew. The internet knew. Everyone knew.
Phil shook my arm gently.
I jumped back to the present, meeting Phil's concerned blue eyes.
      "They filmed me?" I questioned.
Phil opened his mouth to say something, but instead just closed it and nodded.
      " you heard me...." I trailed off.
He nodded again.

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