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I woke to the sounds of two nurses shuffling busily around me. They were checking on Dan. I moved sleepily out of the way, mumbling my apologies.
I checked the time.
4:00 am
I ignored all of the notifications on my lock screen.
I sighed and rubbed my eyes. The nurses finished their checkup and left without a word. I let out a breath. The dark room made me feel like I was supposed to be sleeping, but I knew I was wide awake now.
I stared at Dan. He hadn't moved an inch.
It was almost like he was made of wax. This whole day had been unreal. I decided I would step into the hall for a while to clear my head. Besides, Dan's Mum would be here soon.

The bright hallway assaulted my eyes but they adjusted quickly. There weren't many people around as I slid down the wall to sit on the cold tile floor. I tried to focus on my breathing. In and out. Anything to distract myself. I hadn't had an anxiety attack in years, but had been on the brink of one all night. I had to stay strong for Dan. After all- He had stayed strong.
"Phil?" A familiar voice echoed down the hall. I looked up.
Dan's Mum and brother were rushing towards me. Their eyes slightly red. I stood up quickly and was quickly swept into a bear hug by Mum.
"How are you?" She asked, kissing me on the cheek.
"I'm alright I suppose." I said as she stepped back.
Adrian avoided eye contact as he hugged me. He was shaking slightly.
"How are you guys?" I questioned.
Adrian looked down the hall, avoiding the question.
"Worried." Mum replied, "how is Daniel?"
She finally asked.
"He's out of surgery. The anesthesia is slowly wearing off and he should wake up in a few hours." I explained, "but he's strong. He'll be fine."
She smiled at me.
"How long have you been here?" She wondered.
"I-uh brought him in last night around 8:30."
"Oh, Phillip!" She said sympathetically, "you must be starving!"
"No, no I'm fine. Really." I insisted. But as if on cue, I felt my stomach grumble hungrily for the first time in days.
"Nonsense! I'll go get something for you boys. McDonalds? That's open 24 hours right?" Dan's Mum suggested.
"Do you want to see him?" I questioned, gesturing to the door.
To my surprise, she shook her head.
"I want to see my boy when I can look into his eyes." She stated, "but I'm glad you're here for him. You mean everything to him."
I smiled as she squeezed my hand.
"I'll be back soon." She said, pulling her car keys out of her purse.
"Thanks." I said quietly.
"And when he wakes up," she added, "tell each other how you feel already!"
I jumped.
"It's obvious to everyone but you, dearies!" She teased as she walked away.
Adrian laughed lightly behind me. I turned around and smiled. She was right.

Adrian and I sat on the window seat in Dan's hospital room. We told embarrassing stories about Dan, and talked about video games.
I wished Dan would wake up and make a sarcastic comeback. I missed his voice.
We talked for a few hours and ate McDonalds pancakes with their mum before she had to leave for work.
I got up and threw our trash in the bin.
I turned back to see Adrian staring at Dan laying in the hospital bed.
Dan's eyes now slid back and forth beneath his eyelids.
"I should probably go before he comes around." Adrian stated, "now I know he's fine, I'm not sure he'd want me here."
Adrian stood up to leave.
"No, stay!" I said, "I know he'd want you here."
He turned to look at me.
"Really?" He asked," how do you know?"
I hesitated. The experience of Dan saying Adrian's name when I had found him was a bit unnerving.
"Phil? What is it?"
I sighed. He deserved to know.
"When I found him, he- .. he thought I was you." I said, "he called me Adrian and hugged me."
Adrian was silent as he stared at me.
"I think he'd want you here....If you want to be here." I said quietly.
He didn't say anything in reply, he only quietly sat in the chair next to me. I smiled at him.
"He'll be okay?" Adrian wondered, staring at Dan.
"He's the strongest person I know. He'll be fine."
Silence fell again as we both looked at Dan's pale frame.
      "So you haven't watched the whole video?" Adrian wondered.
I jumped slightly.
      "No- and you have?" I asked in shock.
Adrian nodded.
I sighed. He had seen his older brother beaten up.
       "I watched it on the way here."he added," and your YouNow."
Adrian half laughed.
      "I think it's time you watch the rest of it, Phil."  He said.
I nodded and cautiously pulled out my phone.
I opened it and went to twitter to find the video again.
I skipped over the part where Dan is shoved into the wall. I couldn't watch it again.
I pressed play.

Dan gasped painfully. He staggered as he tried to stand upright.

      "Dan! I'm calling 999-" The blonde girl shouted, only to be cut off by one of the men.
      "Didn't you hear daddy?" He shouted, "stay out of it!"
Dan seemed to regain his composure slightly.

      "Why are you doing this??" The girl cried.

      "Because," Dan said wearily, turning to face the men, his breathing ragged. My heart sped up at the sound of his voice.
"They're cowards with nothing better to do than play god. They think that just because they are one way, that is the way everyone else should be. They think they are so high and mighty because of it when in reality they are the scum of the earth. Spitting on people for being who they are, beating them up for who they love, and shouting at innocent people for trying to stop them. They just can't stand the fact that two men half their age are twice as successful. Not to mention Phil is without a doubt 100% a better person than the both of you combined. And they don't know when to fuck off."

My stomach dropped. I had never heard Dan speak so angrily, and so passionately about something in my years of knowing him.

      "Watch your mouth, you nancy." One man threatened, stepping forward.
Dan stood his ground.
      "Too real for you?" Dan continued, "Well here's a reality check- Phil and I are far above you. No- Phil is far above any of us. He's never done anything with the intent of harming someone else. He's caring and friendly. He is respectful-"

My mouth dropped open. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. From Dan.

"Shut up!" The other man shouted.
Dan ignored him.

      "-He is generous. He is amazing. And shits like you would be lucky to even be looked at by someone like him. And should find something better to do with your god damn time than beat me up for loving him. Because who wouldn't be in love with Phil?"

      "Shut it, Faggot!" The first man shouted, his fist smashing into Dan's face. I jumped . That was what that horrible bruise was from. Dan staggered, "You're going to Hell!" The attacker added.

Tears dropped onto my screen.

      "I'll gladly go to hell if it means I can keep loving Phil." Dan said, his voice weak.

My heart fluttered. Had Dan really just said all of that? About me?

      "Now fuck off!" Dan yelled, running off uneasily.

The video ended. I sat frozen, phone in hands, in utter disbelief.
I had no idea Dan truly felt that way. The way I had felt about him for the past two years.
I smiled and wiped away my tears.
"You really had no clue?" Adrian asked.
I laughed a bit and shook my head.
"Not a clue." I admitted.
Adrian chuckled.
      "Idiots." He said under his breath. We laughed.
It felt good to laugh. I had been so stressed and worried since yesterday.
I was getting tired of waiting to hear Dan's voice in person.

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