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Colors and lights swirled through my sight. I heard hushed voices and quiet beeping. My head ached distantly. My chest felt heavy. I took a deep breath, my mouth filling with the dry taste of medicine. I swallowed. My throat was dry as well.
I was disoriented. I couldn't quite connect the voices I heard to people I knew. Was one... My voice?
No that's impossible.
Maybe I didn't know them.
I tried to open my mouth to ask who was there, or where I was, but something was over my mouth and nose.
I had no idea where I was. I had been... at tesco? Phil was sick.
I wanted to see him but I couldn't open my eyes.
I felt completely and heavily exhausted.
My body ached and had numb spots all over.
All I could do was listen. Listen to the distant voices that I couldn't quite make words from. It felt like my head was under water.
Was my head under water?
I could breathe. Although it was difficult.
Maybe that's what was on my face? Something to cover my mouth from the water.
Why was I under water?
Had the store flooded?
I suddenly felt very panicked. Fear and confusion seeped into my mind and chest. I tried to call for help but my dry throat halted any sound.
I couldn't move. It felt like something was closing in on me. I strained to breathe, my neck aching with each breath. I was trapped. Closed in. I wanted to scream. But that damn thing was covering my mouth. Cutting off my oxygen. It smelled strange. I struggled against myself - scared, confused, in pain. I just anted Phil.
A loud, rapid beeping assaulted my head, shooting pain down my back.

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