Chapter 19 - Movie Night

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I couldn't find Jack anywhere. He had just sped off straight after lunch, and was nowhere to be found. I had searched for him basically everywhere - the beach, the kitchen, the bathroom and his cabin. I asked a few instructors if they perhaps knew where he went and I asked some campers and my friends if they maybe saw him leave.

Where could he possibly be?

I guess there was only one place left to look. The forest.

I walked around endlessly, looking everywhere; even in trees. Then I realised I hadn't checked our special place - the big rock. I ran there, my hope almost fading but I refused to let it go.

And as soon as I got there, I wished I had never thought to look there at all.


I woke up with a jolt; my heart racing and I was panting heavily. I felt my eyes begin to sting, unfallen tears threatening to release themselves. I tried to bite them back in attempt not to wake my cabin mates up as it was around two or so in the morning, but I failed. The feeling was just too powerful and there were just too many tears building up and blurring my vision.

Then I started crying and I felt really helpless and pathetic about it, but I couldn't help it. I covered my face with my hands and cried into them, soaking them but really only caring about keeping my sobs silent and blocking out any noise. But I guess I did not try hard enough, because next to me Bailey started stirring and turned my way.

She looks at me, eyebrows drawn in confusion, but the rest of her features showing concern. Immediately, she slipped out of her bed and came to set next to me on mine, pulling me into a side-hug.

"Shh, shh, it's okay, it's okay," Bailey whispered as to not wake anyone else.

I returned the embrace and we held it until my sobs had faltered into quiet little sniffles.

"So, what's wrong, Summer?" She asked, keeping her voice low and rubbing little circles on my back to comfort me.

"I- I had a nightmare," I stated, pulling my knees up to my chest and hugging them close to me; keeping my gaze downwards.

There was only a mere beat of silence before Bailey broke it again to inquire, "Do you want to talk about it?"

I sighed. "Not really. Not right now."

She nodded in response, accepting my answer and leaning her head on my shoulder, arms retracting back to her lap and stayed with me until I was finally sleepy again.

And that took quite a while.


We had just finished breakfast, and I was walking back to the cabin with Bailey, telling her about my nightmare.

During the breakfast, the head instructor had announced that today would be a free day, except at seven in the evening we all had to make our way to the hall for a movie night - which earned quite a few cheers from everyone. The movie, itself, was being kept a surprise.

That got everybody talking a bit, too.

"And that's about all that happened, when I woke up," I finished, looking to her for some sort of reaction as I closed the cabin door behind me.

She plonked down on my bed and I went over to join her. Bailey was just looking straight ahead, her mouth slightly agape.

"Oh my gosh, Summer, I... I'm so sorry," she started, "but don't let a sill old dream get a hold on you, okay? That would never happen. I'm sure of it."

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