Chapter 13 - Action (Part 2)

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We left the beach together and a messenger was going from cabin to cabin again. It was instructor Ross.

When he saw us, he stopped and said, "Please make your way to the area where we had our races. The head wants to do something special. After that, the meal will be served." As he finished, he jogged to the next cabin to spread the word. We headed over to go sit on a spot on the grass. Jack broke his hand free from mine and excused himself to the bathroom. More campers started to emerge from their cabins and the forest and sat down as well. There was a hum of chatter as everyone tried to guess what was awaiting us.

"What do you think this is about, anyway?" Macy turned to me. I shrugged. "Beats me."

As the last camper sat down, Jack came back from the bathroom and joined the four of us. It was late afternoon; sunset was bound to start any moment now.

"Evening, campers! Tonight, I though we could do introductions," The head started. I look around at my friends, confused and curious looks plastered to each face.

"Everyone will get a chance to give their name and an interesting fact about themselves. We here at Summer Adventurer's Camp feel this exercise gets you kids to socialize more if you find out you have something in common via this." He said.

"So, who's first?"

A bunch of teenagers raised their hands to be chosen. I didn't; I was a little nervous. Talking in front of a crowd was not my strongest trait.

The head instructor randomly called on a tall girl wearing a pink t-shirt and cropped three-quarter denims.


I had been the last to introduce myself. After the introductions, it was about two hours or so later. The sun had set and the stars were out; the meal was sure to be served soon.

My friends, Jack and I went over to the dining area and sat down at a table together.

"You just had to, didn't you?" Jack said as he sat down next to me, Macy on my other side. He was pointing out the fact that of the few things I shared about myself, I also mentioned my whole thing with odd numbers.

"Of course I did!" I laughed.

We chatted and laughed and just had a really good time. Everything about this place seemed to be so great. It wasn't long until four instructors came around handing out plates of food, and others providing cutlery and serviettes.

The meal for the night was homemade hamburgers. They looked and smelled so delicious; I just couldn't wait to dig in.

"Thank you!" We all said together when our food came. Instructor Nick had brought it to us. He left with a smile and we all started eating immediately.

The food was just as I expected - amazing. It was so flavourful and flawless. Whoever did the cooking around here must have been a professional.

As we finished our food, yet again the instructors came around to each table, this time with drinks. It was lemonade.

As I took my cup in my left hand, leaving the other free, I felt another take hold of mine. I looked over at Jack. He was talking to Charlie, but I guess he knew I noticed, because while he spoke he randomly smirked and have my hand a squeeze. I smiled and continued to take a sip of lemonade and knew that nothing could ruin this night.


Everyone slowly began to leave the campfire site either to the showers or to their cabins. I looked around and then leaned into the middle of the table to whisper to the others.

Summer's Break | Jack Griffo ✔Where stories live. Discover now