Chapter 10 - Action (Part 1)

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The next morning, just like we had planned, we all got up at 6.30 a.m. sharp and met behind Cabin 4 already dressed. Everyone inside was still sleeping; perfect. Jack came there with two bottles of the mango smoothie. Bailey had gotten a bucket from the bathroom and I snuck around the main hall, where the supplies were kept and contributed a length of rope.

We crouched down low, and tried to work quietly. Jack unscrewed the bottles and poured the beverage into the bucket. Charlie helped me tie a big and tight knot to the handle, making sure it was as secure as possible.

Next, we all stood up and looked at each other.

"Tallest girl, tallest guy," I stated in a whisper, making hand features as I spoke.

It ended up being Charlie and Bailey. So, with caution, she was lifted onto his shoulders. Once she was balanced, Jack passed the bucket to her.

"Put it on the edge of the porch roof," he instructed in a low voice. She did so and slowly climbed off of Charlie.

Bailey dusted her hands off and sighed with pride. "There we go." She whispered with a toothy grin.

"Great, guys!" Jack gave us a thumbs up on both of his hands.

There was a quick silence before Macy broke it with a question.

"What now?"

"Now we wait," I replied.

We all crouched down again, with Jack holding the rope gently as to not jerk the bucket just yet. It was completely still.

Until Bailey sneezed. Real loud.

"Shhhh!" We all darted at her.

She pinched her nose. "Sorry." She whispered.

Just then, movement was heard on the cabin. Footsteps walked to the door.

One, two, three. Jack yanked hard at the rope.


A girly shriek erupted from whoever was standing there. They were drenched in mango smoothie. That's what you get, I thought. I so wanted to laugh, but instead the team prodded me.

"Go claim your victory!" They were whispering.

I got up and took proud strides to have a look at our work. There stood Chloe, looking orange as ever.

"Orange rain!" I yelled sarcastically before laughing. "Enjoy being sticky," I winked. She just stood there, frozen, before walking back into the cabin and slamming the door behind her.

The next thing to be heard was laughter. I laughed along with the team as they joined me where I was standing. High fives went around the circle.

"Do you guys remember the next step?" Jack asked with a mischievous smirk.

We all nodded, knowing the next step was his bit. "See you at lunch then," were his last words before he went his separate way. Macy, Bailey, Charlie and I walked together back to the cabin, feeling accomplished. Step one was crossed off the list.

By the time we were in the cabin, it was only 7.05 a.m. We were able to sneak in a few extra winks of sleep before the day started.

We woke up to the ringing of a hand bell. I stretched my arms and got up out of bed. Thankfully, we didn't have to get dressed, just fix up the hair. I was not a bit tired; I felt good.

We all met on the grass by the lake. The head instructor was standing with all the other instructors, waiting for everyone to gather around. When we were all present, he spoke.

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