Chapter 14 - Hey

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The next day was Thursday, which meant the camp was coming to a near end with only four days left. I couldn't believe it had only been ten days; it felt like a lifetime. In a good way. A very good way.

The best way.

As I woke up, I rolled over to the check the time on my phone: 7.10 a.m., which meant there was still a good twenty minutes before the day actually began. I realised that if this were a normal day at home; I'd still be asleep for at least another two hours or so. That was the first thing I would get back into when I got home - sleeping in late. I couldn't help missing that.

I put my phone down and rolled onto my back, studying the wooden ceiling of the cabin. I traced every line and swirl with my eyes carefully, finding it somewhat soothing. The texture of the polished wood just consisted of so much natural beauty.

I put my hand to my mouth to cover the yawn I felt coming. I stretched my arms and crossed them behind my head in a relaxed position, closing my eyes to rest for the remainder of time before the day began officially. My ears stayed attentive though, and I could have sworn I heard voices accompanied by crackling gravel passing the cabin.

Narrator's POV

"Could it-"

"Of course it's them, dummy! Who else would be doing this? Hmm?" Samantha chipped in.

"I guess no one." Chloe said, giving up.

"Eeeeexactly. We need to get them back."

"Aren't they getting us back, though?" Kara commented.

"Yes but-"

"Actually, I don't think they are. They're getting you back."

"Shut up, Kara! Nobody asked for your sass." Samantha snapped, flicking her hair.

"You know what, Sam? I'm tired of being your slave. I'm sick of it. I'm not a dog!"

"Oh, really? I didn't even notice." She gave a devious grin.

"That's it! I'm done! Adiós, bitchachos." Kara yelled, walking away.

"Fine. Leave! I don't care, we never really needed you anyway. Chloe and I can do this, right Chloe?"

"Um... Yeah. Sure." Chloe hesitated, suddenly not too keen on sticking with Samantha. But after the scene she just put on, and pushing Kara away as if it were nothing, she was too afraid to say anything that might upset her again. If Sam dumped her, she would have no one. She followed her lead as the continued walking.

Summer's POV

There were four continuous knocks and the door before it was opened.

"Rise and shine sleeping beauties!" It was instructor Ross again. He left after his sarcastic remark to go wake up the other campers. I rubbed my eyes and hopped out of bed. Multiple groans came from the mouths of my friends as they were interrupted from peaceful sleep.

Except for Bailey. She leapt out of bed, already dressed.

"What the? Did you sleep in your normal clothes?" Macy looked at her, confused.

"No of course not, silly! I just woke up super early and was restless, so I got dressed, wandered around and then came back as to not disturb anyone," she explained as if it should have been our obvious first guess.

"So you were awake this whole time?" I asked.

"Yup." Bailey said, popping the 'p'.

Strange girl. Can't help love her.

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