Chapter 7 - No Food In The Cabins

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Two days had passed since Jack and I's photoshoot - which made today Saturday. It was about 4 in the afternoon and I was lined up to go zip lining. I watched as the boy in front of me was pushed off and his yelling echoed all around. Once he was back, I stepped up and climbed the ladder to the tower.

Up at the top, a lady instructor, Valerie, strapped me into my harness and handed me a helmet which I had to wear for extra safety. She counted down 3..2..1 and off I was into the distance. The wind streaked through my hair and blew in my face. I screamed and yelled with joy. At the end, they pulled the break at the tower and I almost did a back flip, my legs only hardly not overtaking my head. It made me laugh.

On that end, there was another tower with another instructor - which just happened to be instructor Jack.

"Hey, you! What a rush, ey?" He said.

"Yeah. It was so much fun!" Jack chuckled at my enthusiasm.

"Is there by any chance I can go again?" I pleaded, putting on the "puppy eyes".

"I'm afraid not. Now come, let me unstrap you there,"

Jack pulled me closer and undid the front strap. Then, after asking me to turn around, he unclipped it at the back and helped me out of my harness.

"Thanks!" I called as I got climbed down from the ladder.

"Don't mention it," he called back.

I lowered myself to the ground and walked back to the beginning point of the zip line again. There, I unclipped my helmet and lifted it from my head, passing it to the next camper.

"Enjoy," I said with a wink.

I walked down the path that lead to the main site again. The head instructor told us to meet in the main hall that was off to the left, a little while away from the main area. I skipped my way there to find three instructors waiting outside for the whole group of campers scheduled to do the indoor activities.

Once everyone was there, campers came out of the hall and went to the zip line where I had just been. We were rotating activities that day.

When all the campers had made their way out of the hall, the instructors allowed us in. Inside we were told to sit down and listen to the instructions.

"Campers! Here in the hall you will be doing three different activities. They require team work and brain power. Cabins 9 and 10 are to meet instructor Scott for puzzles with sticks; Cabins 11 and 12 will be with instructor Ben for 'All on the bench' and Cabins 13 and 14 will come to me, Trish, for wall climbing. When the bell rings, we will rotate. Begin,"

As instructor Trish finished explaining, every camper sprung into action to start their activities. I walked over to instructor Ben.

He waited for us all to assemble before speaking. "Right. Hey guys, I'm instructor Ben, as you heard now and with me you're gonna do a little task called 'All on the bench'. What you need to do is, all of you, first get onto this bench and stand," he gestured to a narrow bench that looked like a gymnastics beam.

"Then from there, you need to order yourselves from tallest to shortest without anyone touching the floor or leaving the bench. Does everyone understand?"

The group nodded.

"Great. Off you go."

We all got onto the bench and then the tricky part came in. The tallest guy in out group was on the edge, so that was okay, but then the second tallest person, a lean and thin girl, was on the other end.

We came up with a plan to hold onto each other's waists for support with our legs as far apart from each other they could be, without any of us falling. This way, the girl could hold onto us and step in the spaces between our feet.

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