Chapter 2 - Familiar Faces

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I woke up really early the next morning. I sat up in my bed and looked around the room; my cabin mates were still fast asleep. I took my phone from my bedside table to check the time. 4.14 a.m. The light from the screen made me squint. I put it back down and yawned. Last night was really fun. That was all I could think about. I ran my fingers through my hair, and batted my eyelashes. I knew I was never going to be able to sleep further, so I quietly got up, slipped my feet into my fluffy lilac-coloured slippers and crept out of the cabin; I thought a morning walk would be refreshing. I walked around the campsite and caught sight of a bench a little while away. I walked; the gravel crackling underneath my feet. When I reached the bench, I took a seat and looked over the landscape. The campsite was located right in front of the beach, so I looked out at the water and the sun that slowly began to rise.

The scene was very beautiful and sitting there in nature honestly felt like paradise; even more so because it was quiet. All I could hear was the faint sound of the crashing waves. I looked down at my hands and got lost in my own thoughts.

"Good morning," I heard someone say. I almost jumped out of my skin. I must have been completely unaware of my surroundings for a simple good morning to startle me.

After I had caught my breath, I looked up behind me to see none other than Jack looking down at me with a wide smile.

I giggled to myself and said, "Gosh, you startled me!"

"It's nice to see you too," he replied sarcastically.

"Sorry... Morning Jack." I said with a playful tone of voice.

I patted the space on the bench next to me, gesturing for Jack to sit down. He took the hint and sat next to me. After staring at the water for a bit, he spoke.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it sure is," I agreed with a smile.

"How about we go down there?" Jack offered.

"No it's okay; I'm better off looking," I denied his offer.

"Come on! There's still loads of time before camp activities start." He begged.

"Well..." And before I could finish my sentence, Jack smirked and took my hand as he pulled me with him down to the beach. I loved the feeling of the salty ocean air blowing through my hair. The adrenaline rush made me giggle. We stopped running when we reached the water. Both Jack and I took a moment to catch our breath again, before walking in the cool water. It was so perfect. All of a sudden, I felt water droplets clash to my skin, followed by laughter. Jack had splashed me.

"Jack!" I scolded playfully. "Now you're gonna get it!"

I splashed lots of water back at him. We continued to splash one another and just have fun for a while. Afterwards, we had tired out, and plonked down onto the soft sand. I turned to looked at him. He looked back, smiled and looked down again.

"You know, I was really dreading this camp; but you're making it all the better." I said. He blushed and thanked me. There was a moment of silence, but not the really awkward and uncomfortable kind; the awkward and sweet kind of silence.

"Well, I'm gonna head back to my cabin," I said as I got up.

"Okay, I'll walk you," Jack said, standing up as well.

"I'd like that." I stated and gave a small smile.
We walked back to the campsite together in the same sort of silence. When we arrived at my cabin door, I thanked him for walking with me. In return he gave me a hug.

"I'll see you at team building then. Later!" He turned and walked back to his own cabin. I watched him walk for a while before going back inside where the others were still fast asleep. I slid my slippers off again and climbed back into bed. Might as well get some sleep before the day starts, I figured.


"Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey!" Was the line that woke me up. I checked the time on my phone again and it was exactly 7.30 a.m. I sat up in my bed, yawned and looked around the cabin. It was Bailey who had woken me up... And Charlie and Macy too. We all got dressed and walked out to campfire area where a few other campers were gathered. All the camp instructors were there too, and sure enough I caught sight of Jack again. EEP!

"Attention all campers! Today we are going to have a row-off between cabins. Now in an orderly fashion, let's head to the river. Follow my lead!" One instructor, (who looked like the head) had announced our activity for the day. He seemed excited, but I was definitely not. I had been rowing once before and it was a disaster because the kayak ended up on my head. Yes, it flipped. I wasn't prepared to experience another event like that one. I walked with my cabin mates towards the river and Jack caught up with me.

"Hey Griffo... Again." I said with a small laugh.

"Miss Lovemore," he said with a bow of his head.

We walked together and soon reached the river where the head instructor assigned each team an instructor to row with them. We were all given t-shirts to put over our clothes with our cabin number on.

"Jack Griffo - Cabin 4," Dang it. I watched him walk to a team which consisted of only girls and that really boiled my blood. One girl even seemed familiar, but I couldn't be too sure until I could get a closer look.

"Brooke Mackenzie - Cabin 12," A girl that looked not much older than me walked over to our team. She was really tall though. Each team got into their designated kayaks at the starting line. The head instructor lifted one arm into the air; holding a gun.

"In 3, 2, 1... Off you go!" He yelled and pulled the trigger. Everyone quickly started to paddle in sync. We were quite ahead, until suddenly I caught sight of another team catching up alongside us. I took a quick look and saw that it was the members of Cabin 4. I saw Jack in great concentration and the girl I thought was familiar. She turned to our team and our eyes locked. I did indeed know this face; the face of a girl I would have never liked to set eyes on ever again.

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