PIERRE: You still haven't told me where that place is.

DECLAN: I will tell you once I know for sure that the job is for me.

PIERRE: Alright, alright. I have been praying for you to get it so I'm sure that you will.

DECLAN: My little angel is praying for me. Aw, so cute. I just want to hug you. 

PIERRE: Of course, you do.

DECLAN: And about your little imagine, I have some little modifications to make. Imagine this instead, I am coming back home from work and here you are cooking dinner. I will smile and walk slowly to you, surprising you by giving you a hug from behind. You will chuckle as I start to give you little kisses and then you will turn around, wrapping your arms around my neck, to give me a soft kiss on the lips. Just as we tell each other I love you, our little kids will come running to us to hug our feet and that, love, is our lovely happy family.

Just as I pressed send, the bus stopped at my bus stop and I stood up before getting out. As today was Saturday, I was doing as Gabriela told me to, I was going to the cupcake shop to see Mama and hopefully get the job. But as my love said, he prayed for me so I guessed that I should be fine.

Because god must surely adore that little angel.

Pierre replied to my text just as I arrived in front of Mama Cupcake. Before opening the door, I read my love's reply.

PIERRE: That little imagine seems to be something that you thought about a lot.

DECLAN: That's something that YOU should think about. Look, I reached the place. I really want to continue to talk but I prefer not to for now. I will text you after. I love you.

Placing my phone in the back pocket of my jeans, I opened the door and entered the cupcake shop. I would have never thought that one day, I would want to work in a cupcake shop. Unlike the last time, it wasn't so full, there was just a few people sitting there and there. Gabriela was standing behind the counter once again and she was surprised when she saw me.

"Oh, you are here," she said as I reached her and I wondered why she was so surprised to see me. Didn't she remember that I was going to come today? Oh and now that I realized it, Joshua still hadn't told me what he talked about with her when she asked to talk to him privately. 

I needed to ask him about it later.

"I really want the job," I told her. "So what am I supposed to do now that I am here?"

"Hmm, wait, I am going to search for Mama," she said before walking away. I felt my butt vibrate at that exact moment and I chuckled. That must be Pierre. I guessed that I could read his text before Gabriela arrived with Mama.

PIERRE: Good luck, Declan. Don't forget, I believe in you...and for the record, you and I being married is not one thing that I should think about. It's not like if we are going to get married. And why do I have the feeling that in your little imagine, I am the woman figure? Hear my words...or more like read my words...I am not the woman in that relationship. Well, we are not really in any relationship but you understand my point...god what am I saying? I guess that I should go. I have to go work at the orphanage.

I smiled at that. Yeah, he did tell me that he was going to the orphanage to work a bit. He was so good and nice. Honestly, no one could dislike him. He was the perfection of all perfection. I was really lucky to have meet him.

Someone cleared his throat suddenly and I looked up from my phone to see Gabriela standing in front of me with an old lady beside her. I quickly put my phone away and stood up straight.

Conversations With My Love (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now