Part Fourteen: I Don't Fight To Lose

Start from the beginning

"Have fun, and don't get in trouble!" My mom said before I opened the door.

"And be back home on time." My dad added.

I shook my head before walking out of the house, and walking down the small steps carefully towards my truck. I set my bag in the passangers seat, and did my best to get into the drivers seat without breaking a bone. I wasn't use to wearing heals, so it would take time to adjust to the added height, and learn how to balance properly.

As I drove into town, I played music quietly and let the windows down to get fresh air into the car. The sun was just setting, making the sky have a pretty orange color and the air cool off making it not as hot as early summer days would be.

After driving a long distance (in my opinion) I finally made it to the event center in which our prom would be held. Cars, limos, and more were already parked in the parking lot and people in our class, were either taking pictures outside or were already entering the venue.

We're already inside.

Was all that the message from Dani had said.

Since they'd had dates, they'd come together and raised enough money to have a limo take them and bring them back from prom. I'd obviously had decided to take my own vehicle - avoided the akwardness I would feel.

It had taken me half an hour to decide if I really want and was ready to go in, but in the end I actually walked into the venue to find my friends. The place was full of teens already dancing and just enjoying the night, but I easily spotted my friends at a table that was placed against one of the walls.

The PTA and student coucil had obviously taken a lot of time preparing this day judging by the way everything looked. It had nice decorations, arrangement, and everything was running smoothly. Overall, the entire place looked good.

I carefully walked towards the table where my friends were sitting, and payed attention to the people that were already here. Unfortunatly, Austin was no where in sight. We'd talked a lot during the week, and he said he would be sitting at our table.

There were a few empty seats at the table, so I stood behind one of them and waved at everyone at the table. Alex, Crystal, Dani, and Dani's date (whose name I didn't know), all waved back. Rose was the only one missing, but I'd ask about her later, instead, I complimented both my friends outfits.

Crystal wore a black, peacock, colored dress that she'd bought the day at the store. From what she'd modeled for us at the store, it stopped just above her knees and was strapless. One part of the chest area had fabric that resembled a peacocks feathers, while the rest remained jet black. She had paired it all with dark accessories and her shoulder length hair was pin straight.

Dani, on the other hand, looked completely different than Crystal. She wore a simple, baby blue skater dress. The only major decoration that the dress had was small, alligned, studs that were placed on the neckline. Her hair was in nice Farrah Fawcet curls that she'd wanted for so long, and she wore simple black vans.

All of our outfits were different, and picked out last minute, but we'd gotten something nice together in the end.

"Where's Rose?" I asked as I sat down on one of the empty chairs.

Crystal took a sip from her drink before responding, "She had a little wardrobe malfunction, but she'll be back soon." She took another drink from her water before adding onto her sentence. " - with her date."

"Speaking of dates," I started before turning towards Dani and her date. "I don't think I know who this is." I gestured towards the __________ haired boy.

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