Chapter 12- Gerard's PoV

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After our breakfast, Frank and I decided to go for a walk to the tree again. Before we left, my mum called me back in to speak to her.

"Gee, I have no problem with Frank staying, however I would like him to be gone by next week. Your father will be back next Friday and he won't like to see Frank here. He needs to leave as soon as possible. Oh and you're not moving house until you're 21, so that isn't an option."

I sighed. I forgot he was coming home next Friday. I don't know where Frank is going to stay.

He'll have to go back to his house and stay on his own. I'll pay for all the locks to be changed and make it more secure so no one can get in.

I ran up the stairs and packed his bag up for him. I also grabbed another coat for him.

When I got back out to Frank I delivered the news to him. He simply agreed and then we continued our talk about bands and music.

That's when I saw her. A girl that looked like Lindsey. She was climbing on the tree. I felt my heart shatter as I saw her. I fell to my knees and cried. I suddenly had horrific flashbacks. Ones I've struggled to get out of my mind since it happened.

Lindsey told me earlier that she found this cool place. She was going to take me to it after school and I couldn't wait!

"No." I muttered

She leaned in and pecked my lips. I felt like a volcano about to erupt, but not with anger, with happiness. Lindsey and I will seem amazing together.

"No." I whispered

"Gerard, remember me forever if I do something stupid one day. It won't be your fault. I'll always love you. And don't forget it."

"No." I said louder.

I was singing and she was dancing around the tree. We were using a torch as a spotlight on her. We were having so much fun, even if we were acting like reckless idiots.

"No." I shouted.

The first thing I saw was her dangling there from the tree. I walked up to her body. It was ice cold. It didn't seem real at first. Then I remembered. The weird things she'd say about me remembering her forever. I feel like I had been hit by a bus. I wish I had been hit by a bus. I walked over to her. Her body drooped down from the noose that was holding her body from the branch. There was a neat row of cuts by her inner elbow. As they got closer to the wrist the more untidy and bigger they became. More filled with anger. This wasn't fair. She was 14. That's far too young. I walked around the tree examining her one last time. I sighed heavily with frustration. The tears were coming out like a nonstop tap. I found a note behind her. If it was possible, I felt more tears come out. I read the note.

Dear whoever is reading this first,

I'm sorry you have to see me like this. Please contact 862-201-0771 and the emergency services.

Dear mum, dad and Gerard,

Once again, I'm sorry you have to see me like this. It wasn't your fault. I love you so much.

Dear Gerard,

I let subtle hints hoping you'd notice but you didn't. Now I'm here. It isn't your fault and I can only apologise so much. Remember me for the good things and not the bad. I'll always love you.

Dear bullies,

I hope you got what you wanted. I hope your satisfied seeing me dead. Your work here is done.

Lots of love,


P.S best wishes for the future.

By now I was screaming. Everyone had left the forest but frank and I.

I went and sad on the branch. I rested my head on my knees, using my hands to fiddle with the rips in my jeans.

After I calmed down, I walked Frank over to his house.

That was pretty much the end of that day and the rest of it consisted of me crying.


The bits in italics are the flashbacks. There's  one more chapter after this and then I might do another book quickly like a countdown for Christmas. I did one last year on my previous account and it was alright. They'll only be short though.

Bye for now.

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