Chapter 7- Gerard's POV

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Frank and I were meeting at the tree tonight.

I feel bad because I ignored him and then I said we were friends. I don't know if I can have a friend because I'm barely there for myself.

He deserves better than me. Much better than me.


I arrived home from school early today. The bullies didn't even touch me once today. They're probably planning something bigger, that will hopefully kill me.

I opened the front door and dropped my bag immediately. I saw Mikey sitting on the floor, a bottle in his hand and  more bottles on the floor. He was drinking.

I walked up to him and snatched it from his hand.

"What are doing!" he shrieked, clearly drunk and angry.

He threw one of the empty bottles at me but I ducked and heard it shatter behind me.

"Mikes, this isn't good for you. I've been through it myself, it only makes whatever you're dealing with worse."

He looked up at me then looked back down.

"it can't get any worse I just want it to be over."

I walked into the kitchen and got him a glass of water. I'm dealing with enough shit now but I suppose I can't ignore Mikey.

"Here," I said, handing him the glass of water, "Now are you going to tell me what's up?"

"The sky." haha very funny. I looked at him.

"Alright, basically me and Pete were outside eating lunch, I just really felt the urge to kiss him, so I did. He kissed back at first then he slapped me and told me he had a girlfriend. We're supposed to be best friends,  yet he didn't tell me about her. Then I thought to what you done when you were upset so I tried drinking away my problems and it helped a bit. Then I thought to what else you done when you were upset and that helped even more."


Mikey had started self harming too.

His life was turning into mine more and more and it needs to stop.


I put on some jeans and a plain black t-shirt.

My mum had just come home so I was going to the tree to meet Frank.

I stepped outside and I started walking. I walked there quicker than usual.

Frank wasn't there. I looked around for a bit and found a note on one of the branches.

Since you aren't bothered to help me with my problems, I'm not gonna help you with yours


I sat on the floor, leaning against the tree. This I why I shouldn't have a friend. I always mess everything up.


Two hours had passed.

I was still waiting for frank to come.

I got out my phone. I had one text from my mum.

M: gone back out be back before 11 xxxx

It was 9 and she sent that at 7, right after I left.

Mikey has been on  his own for 2 hours in the mental state he's currently in.

I need to get home as soon as possible.


I unlocked the door and looked around the house. I couldn't see him anywhere.

Then I tried to open the bathroom door. It was locked. I got one of my mum's hair pins and picked the lock. They're some of the things you learn how to do when you have no friends and are on the internet too much.

Then in front of me I saw a sight I never want to see again.

My baby brother covered in blood and an empty pill bottle next to him.

I immediately called an ambulance as I sank to my knees and cried.

I looked at him again, taking in all his details like this my be the last time I see him.

He was tall and slim. He had about 10 freckles. His hair was a mess. His glasses at he tip of his nose. Then a new addition to his body; cuts lining his arms.

But then I noticed scars on his arms, and some older cuts too.

He'd been doing it for longer than I thought.

I'm back thanks to Actualrydentrash ! And I'm so sorry for that ending.

The Tree (Frerard | AU) *complete*Where stories live. Discover now