Chapter 11- Frank's PoV

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Important A/U

some things  might have changed in this  chapter that I forgot about but just stick to this version because this leads into more things now. If  anyone is reading this, thanks. It ends soon which is why I have made minor changes in this chapter.

Frank got pushed to the ground and hid his tears. When would they ever stop? He only started school on Monday. 2 days in and he's already getting bullied. He pushed his hair back ad stood up. In pain he bit back a scream and walked over to the bathroom, he hid in the disabled cubicle because there was a sink in there and he could he could lock the door. He washed his cuts and cleaned them up. With him only being 9, he knew quite a lot about this kind of stuff and how to keep the cuts clean. He got bullied in his last school too, which was the reason he left. After cleansing them he took a deep breath and stepped out. Sure enough, there was Mikey, another kid who got bullied, cleaning his cuts. Frank washed them for him and smiled a genuine smile. Frank didn't see him again. A week later his mum went on a business trip and frank had to stay with his grandma in Texas.

Frank smiled at the thought of that day and realised it was the same Mikey as he was sat in front of right now.

He looked at him and then Gerard. When he me Gerard on that day at the tree that was in his first week back from Texas. He was there for 6 years. Hi grandma actually died when he was there and had to stay with one of her close friends because his mum didn't care enough about him.

It was only when he turned 15 he decided to come back to Belleville. He had to board a plane on his own, and it wasn't until he got back he realised that his mum didn't go on a business trip but only wanted to get rid of him, which is why she has left now.


Mikey was about to get discharged and Gerard, Pete, Donna and I were there. We were all going for a meal to celebrate. However when he got out he only wanted to talk to pete. Gerard and I decided to go back to his house to watch some films. He also decided I should stay with him because my house was not safe anymore. He said his mum would be fine with it so I agreed. We went to my house to get some of my clothes first.

I got a rucksack out of my wardrobe and put my most essential things in it: toiletries, chargers and earphones, underwear, a few t-shirts, 3 pairs of jeans(all black) and 2 hoodies. I also picked up my guitar case and sheet music and a few other things.

We got back to his house and put my things in his room.

"Thanks Gerard for everything you've done for me." I hugged him and we fell back onto his bed. We let go and looked at each other. He has really pretty eyes. We stayed there for a while.

It was now 2am and we had watched several films. Mikey was back and by the looks of it they were friends again.

Donna abruptly came into Gerard's room.

"Come on frank let's get your bed sorted out." She took me downstairs and set out the sofa bed for me.

"He can stay in my room mum it'll be okay." Gerard argued.

"Gerard! He's 15 and your 19! I don't want you doing anything with him I know what you're like."

I heard Mikey snigger behind us and Gerard walked off blushing. I just wanted to know what she meant by that.

"I'm sorry about that. If you'd like to stay in his room you can tomorrow since you're already in bed now sweetie." She smiled sweetly and turned the lights off.

I'm a little embarrassed to say this, but I'm afraid of the dark. I didn't want to be rude and ask her to turn them back on so I just closed my eyes and tried to sleep.

Something inside me felt empty. I don't know what it was but it felt weird. I wanted a glass of water so I stood up but felt immense pains grow in my stomach. My stomachaches were back. ;)

I reached for my phone, preparing my eyes to be temporarily blinded when I turned it on. I immediately lowered the brightness and went to Gerard's contact and sent him message.

I heard a sigh and then someone coming down the stairs. I smiled to myself but then I started to feel bad that I woke him up.

"I'm sor-" I went to say, but I was shortly cut off by him.

"Don't be."

He got me the drink and got into the bed with me. Us two could barely fit in it together yet we still snuggled in and i eventually fell asleep. I'm not sure about Gerard though; when I woke up he was awake on the bed of the bed with huge bags under his eyes.

I got off the bed and rolled him on so he could sleep. I went to go and get another glass of water. My pains had gone now and I was sitting on the floor by him. Totally not watching him sleep I mean I'm not like Edward watching Bella sleep or anything ha ha. Who am I kidding that's exactly what I'm like right now fucking help me I don't know what I'm doing.

Anyway, after a while Gerard woke up. By then everyone else was awake so Donna started making breakfast.

Let's just say she's really good at making pancakes.

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