Chapter 9- Frank's POV

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I'm such a stupid twat.

Everyone in school thinks they're on holiday.

I know they're not. I tried to get to Gerard's window to see him (I know, very cliché)after I felt bad. I saw mikey. I saw the blood. I saw the lifeless body on the ground.

I didn't know where Gerard was, so I left. It's a sight that's too familiar to me.

Her name was Jamia.

She was beautiful. Quite pale. Shoulder length black hair with bangs. She was the best thing that happened to me.

It was just last year. Best friend since kindergarten. We were always different. I know I said I never had any friends, but that was different. She wasn't just a friend.

Anyway, she had this boyfriend. He was really over protective. Like really over protective. I wasn't allowed to see her until that one day. He was abusive to say the least. I thought she done it when I saw her in English in school. We sat next to eachotger but that was the only time I ever saw her. I accused her of doing them, stupid mistake, she got fed up and asked to move seats.

It was like when you're a kid and have a wobbly tooth. If you wobble it enough it will get looser and looser until it's hanging off by literally a string. Once that string is snapped, all connection is lost between the gum and the tooth. They can't reconnect. If you glue it together it won't function probably. They're disconnected forever and then another tooth comes through and replaces it. I was the wobbly tooth, she was the gum and bob, her boyfriend was the adult tooth.

He invited me round one night to her house. I hadn't heard from her for a while and was excited to go, yet I was scared because it was him who asked me around.

I got to the house. It felt natural walking over to her house again. I'd been there so many times. I walked in and saw bob with a foolish grin. I smiled back and he said he was leaving now.

After he left I shouted around the  house and called her name. I started looking in the rooms and I heard a faint murmur from her wardrobe. Why was she in there May you ask? There's only bob to blame. Instinctively, I pulled it open. Everything was stained crimson. And in the corner was jamia with her legs tied together and she arms tied behind her back. Tears streamed down her face. Blood had soaked through her clothes. I had flashbacks of bobs smug little smile. I felt the anger rise in me. That little cunt! I hugged her and untied the knots. We lied on her floor with her in my arms. No words were spoken. We were there for a while and then I felt everything just stop. Her heart, her breathing and my life. I lifted her up and her body was so light. I put her on the bed and kissed her goodnight whilst I panicked. Her parents weren't there and I didn't want to call an ambulance because they will think I did it. I was covered in her blood and my hands looked liked I'd dipped them in paint.

So that's the day I left my lifeless  best friend on her bed covered in blood. A few days later it was all over the news and a big murder investigation was happening because in the past few months a lot of people had died in Belleville. My DNA was in everything in her room. I don't know how I  wasn't caught. Nothing happened over me, or bob.

That investigation seemed to fade away. Nothing happened  over the case.

Now, mikey is in hospital. I'm going to the tree. I need a break.

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