"Ren, careful if this breaks, I'll break your head too." Teresa warned her bff.

"Okay, I won't, I love my head as it is." Ren laughed.

"Let's keep it on the bed." She suggested as they entered her room.

"Sure." Ren placed it on the bed but the corner of the thing hit her eyes.

"Ouch, idiot you hit my eyes." She shouted.

"But I aimed for your head." Ren clicked his tongue.

"Thank god it's only my eyes if this gift broke, you would've to run for your dear life." She threatened him.

"God! you and your gift." Ren sighed.

"Oww, it's really hurting." She rubbed her eyes.

Ryouma's P.O.V

"And she said she'll return soon, where is she?" I looked around for my wife.

"Oi, Rihito!" I called him. "Have you seen Teresa?"

"Why? Can't live a minute without your dear wife?" Rihito winked.

"You've seen her or not?" I glared at him.

"Okay don't get cranky. I saw her going upstairs." He said pointing up.


"What is this gift that she went to bring?" I thought.

I was about to open the room when I heard my wife talking to someone.

"Who's she talking to? Or is she planning for another surprise?" I slowly peaked inside.

What the hell? I was shocked to find her kissing that Ren, whom she calls her best friend!

"What are you doing?" She questioned him.

"I am trying to make it okay." He smiled.

"Ok, stop it, I'm fine." She laughed.

"Teresa, I think the thing I told you before you should tell him already. Plus your so called contract marriage is going to end soon, so I think it's better if you tell him, in fact today is perfect chance. Just tell him already." He suggested her and that was it, I lost my mind completely. Not only she told him about our marriage but she's also having an affair behind my back? This is ridiculous.

*Bang* I opened the door and glared at them.

Teresa's P.O.V

*Bang* It startled us and we looked at the source, my husband was standing at the door I smiled at him, but he looked angry, very angry, but why?

"He's here. Don't wait for him to confess and you tell him already before it's too late. Give him the best gift, your confession." Ren whispered and winked at me.

"As if." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, I've got to go." He hugged me and walked out of the room.

My husband glared at me and walked to me but with his every step forward I took a step back cause I didn't like that look on his face. It was scary! But I managed to push the bad feeling aside and put a smile on my face.

"What were you doing?" He asked me, his eyes accusing.

"I came to get your gift?" I looked at him in confusion. What's wrong with him? Just few minutes ago he was normal but now he looked as if he's going to murder someone.

"Don't you dare lie to me!" He shouted. I flinched.

"What are you talking about?" I looked at my husband with a puzzled expression.

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