10 : Unsaid But Not Unfelt..

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When Caitlynn knocked Juno's door she was asked to come in and she went in and shut the door, Noah was so worried that Caitlynn was going to be kicked out, but ten minute had passed and it looked peaceful so he let go of the breath he didn't know he was holding. Ten minutes for Noah seemed like an hour, he was pacing through the hall, the whole house was silent again and he hated it, he looked at the stairs and looked at his watch, he felt like everything had come to a halt. There was no screaming or yelling or throwing people out of room. So far so good he thought. Now all he had to do was something he wasn't very good at and that was wait.


"Elda!" Juno said turning around but instead of Elda Fletcher, a much younger woman with brown hair stood in her room. Juno took a step back and looked at her in confusion. Caitlynn smiled and took a step back.

"I'm Caitlynn Clark, I just moved in couple of weeks back with my three kids, Noah came to my house, after he couldn't find Mrs. Fletcher at home, he said his daughter is upset and he didn't know what to do." Caitlynn still stood near the door and Juno seemed to juggle the thought in her mind. She hadn't heard anything after Caitlynn said the word 'daughter'. Had Noah really referred Juno as his daughter? But before Juno could register what was happening, she fed her with more information.

"I know we don't know each other, but I didn't know your dad before he came knocking at my door and I trusted a complete stranger, not always the smartest thing to do, but right now may be you could trust me till Elda comes along and I could help you with something?" Caitlynn said with a smile.

"I.. I'm bleeding" Juno said the words without a second thought. She felt Caitlynn was right, she didn't have much options anyway.

"Oh honey, did you get your periods?" Caitlynn asked pulling her into a bone crushing hug and for the first time Juno felt like she could trust this woman. Caitlynn felt awful, this child had turned into a lady and her mother wasn't there to support her and wash away all the insecurities a girl would have at this stage. Exactly like how Caitlynn didn't have her mother, she remembered the first time she got her periods, she had to go to Heather and it was not one of those memories she would want to recall.

"Its your first time right?" Caitlynn asked and she nodded. Caitlynn kissed the top of her head like she always kissed Violet.

"I don't know how to explain this and I'm not sure I want to explain, I don't know what's normal, I don't know how to stop it and I don't know what am I supposed to do!" Juno ranted between her sob.

"Honey, can you tell me where is your mother's room or may be you could come with me?" Caitlynn asked her, she took a step back and wiped her tears and shook her head, but before she could say anything Caitlynn's phone rang, she took out the phone and saw the call was from home. That was when she remembered about the "in case I don't call in fifteen minutes" pact she had with Violet.

"Its downstairs and he's there, I'm not coming." Juno said with a scowl.

"Its okay I'll be back in a jiffy, until then relax, everything's going to be fine." Juno nodded and Caitlynn stepped out of the room and attended the call.

"Mum, are you alive?" Violet asked in a whisper.

"I'm glad you called me before you called the cops!" Caitlynn whispered back.

"So you're all right, I don't need to call the cops and tell that our neighbour is murdering my mum as we speak." Violet whispered again.

"Why are you whispering?" Caitlynn asked.

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