Monster!Scribble TomE x reader

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I only did dis for CUDDeLS and FluFF!!!


I grinned ear to ear,seeing my best friend tumble on the floor,his brother smirking in the background.

"TomE,would you like some help?" I asked,crouching down,to face TomE.

He huffed,rolling on his back and then stopped,to glare at me,head tilted,upside down.

I giggled at his cuteness,finally sitting myself down on the floor,criss cross.

TomE smiled,rolling onto his stomach and then running into my lap and arms,his tail wagging.

Torm snickered,coming forward,arms crossed against his chest.

"He's like your new dog! You going to buy him a collar?" He chuckled. I glared at him,scratching TomE under his chin,making him pound the floor with his right paw.

"You can be really bad at times..." I huffed,hugging TomE close to me,letting him cuddle my chest.

"Yeah I know~" Torm winked at me before exiting the room.

I sighed,relief he left before I punched him.

TomE must of noticed I was agitated because he whined,his ears pressed against his head.

I looked at him,letting a soft smile curl my lips. He smiled back,licking my cheek. I chuckled,trying to stop his licking." Stop it Tommy!" I said between giggles.

He sat up,his front paws on my chest. He tilted his head,tongue sticking out. He's too cute for his own good!!!!

I chuckled,leaning in and pecking his forehead. He blushed,and rested his head in the crook of my neck. I grinned,patting his back.

"Is My little TomE embarrassed?" I teased,starting to play with his fluffy hair.

He nodded,nuzzling my neck.

I blushed myself,grabbing his face so he faces me.

"Well I wanna see my TomE blush..." TomE blushed more,making a noise that can only be described cute.

I let out a small laugh before kissing him all over,making him struggle but he eased into it.

After kissing him everywhere on his face,which was now red,I held him close,not regretting it.

"I love you TomE..." I whispered.

He smiled,his ears perking up.

" mE tOo!!" He grinned,wrapping his little arms around me.

I giggled,nuzzling him as we drifted to sleep on the floor.

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