01 ‖ The Psychotic Prince

Start from the beginning

To what extent would the future king of a kingdom go, just to get me to resign? The fact that he was even willing to put the lives of innocent citizens at risk by burning down an entire apartment to nothing but ashes leaves me speechless.

His actions definitely speak volumes. He wants to get rid of me. He wants to get rid of the current restraint in his life. But most importantly, he wants to get rid of the female bodyguard his ego refuses to accept.

Attempting to seem unfazed by his outrageousness, I look him dead in the eye. 

"Try me, your highness," I challenge coolly.

He is expressionless.

As much as I try to scrutinise the look on his face, he remains unreadable. It is just impossible to guess his thoughts. Is he infuriated? Disappointed? Or perhaps, even thrilled? I simply could not tell.

Before Casimir could even say a word, the sounds of sirens wailing interrupts the seemingly endless silence. A silence that was so brief but the tension that was built up in that fleeting moment felt everlasting. The firefighters had arrived and I did not know if I was appreciative of their arrival because it cleared the heavy atmosphere or if I was annoyed because their appearance stopped Casimir from responding.

As the firefighters escort us and everyone else away from the fire, my mind begins to process the events that had unfolded today.

Tonight marked the very beginning of Casimir's plot to get me to resign.

Funny enough, it has yet to be a week since I officially became his bodyguard and the first plan that came to Casimir's mind to convince me to leave was to incinerate someone's house as if it was waste. 

How much worse can it get?

"I wasn't wrong," I blurt subconsciously as I turn to face Casimir. Doing so earned me a puzzled look from Dominic as he raises an eyebrow at me. Similarly, Casimir shoots me a quizzical look.

"You're psychotic."

I am unsure which brain cell of mine decided that it was a wise idea to tell the prince that he is a lunatic. However, before my mind could even register what had just happened, Dominic bursts into fits of laughter. 

"You're incredible."

Baffled, I blink at Dominic in confusion and so did Casimir.

"My dearest friend, we've known each other since the age of 2. Is it really necessary for me to tell you that you're supposed to have my back in situations like this?" Casimir questions as he places his palm on his chest, acting as if he was heartbroken.

While attempting to catch his breath, Dominic holds up a finger, indicating that he needs a second to regain his composure.

"Here, let me retry." He proceeds to take a deep breath and continues. "Outrageous! How dare you call his highness psychotic? Look at his face. How can you call that psychotic? It's a work of art."

"Thank—" Casimir tries to express his gratitude but unfortunately, gets interrupted by Dominic shushing him.

"I got this, don't worry." Dominic gives Casimir a reassuring look before turning to face me as he continues. "I know at first sight he might look like a weirdo with his outlandish appearance and perhaps he does idiotic things sometimes. And maybe he comes up with utterly ridiculous ideas that make him seem unintelligent and stupid. However, that does not— Forget about it, I tried. She's not wrong for thinking that way. If I didn't know you, I'd think you're some maniac too."

You would not believe the incredulous look Casimir had on his face. Let me tell you, it was gold. The look on his face would live rent-free in my mind for as long as I live.

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