27. Welcome to My House

Start from the beginning

Which is how my dad ended up taking my mom to New York and the entire trip was spent looking at musicals. If my dad sees a can of hairspray, he throws it on principle.

I send a quick smile to the retreating man as I feel Mr. M wrap an arm around my waist. The other is underneath my dress stroking my thigh. No one sees partly because Mr. M's hiding it and also because no one is paying close attention to us.

He kisses the back of my ear and whispers, "How did you come up with those options? It was so detailed that I almost believed you, and I know for a fact that we were in my car."

"Easy, I just remembered my last shopping trip. The choices were completely real and the decision was hard to make." I turn around in Mr. M's arms and bring my arms up around his neck.

He starts swaying us softly, side to side, even though the music was playing loudly elsewhere and no one around us was dancing.

"What shoe did you end up choosing?" He asks.

I still for a second in shock but then I get back into Mr. M's rhythm. "Neither. I already had some killer black sandals so I left those other two at the store."

Another thing I like Mr. M for, the man knows how to listen. And he even seems to care, now I'm not saying that it's a rare trait, but even Ross draws the line at going shopping with me.

He looks at me confused for a second but the expression on his face changes quickly when he looks up. Moving fast, Mr. M gets out of my embrace and grabs my arm. He starts pulling me along like a little kid at a candy store, zoo, toy store, etc. Basically, Mr. M is pulling me hard away from whatever was behind me and is dead set on is going to the location of his choice.

We go straight up the stairs that we passed on our way in and take a right once we reach the top. Then Mr. M stops at the second door to our left. He bangs on the door until it opens.

Some girl is on her knees but, thankfully, her companions pants are pulled up as he opens the door. Low and behold it's the guy from earlier, and the girl on the floor is most definitely not his wife. I don't know how I know but the look on their faces kind of gives it away. I say girl because she looks barely old enough to get into a bar let alone drink alcohol.

The man's eyes nearly bulge out of his skull and whatever he was going to scream at us is caught in his throat. His belt isn't buckled so I'm assuming that he expected to yell at us for a second before getting back to business.

I lean around both men and meet eyes with the humiliated female, "Did you find what you were looking for? Or should I help you? What did you drop, a contact or something?"

The girl looks like she has 20/20 vision but I just have to help her out of this mess. She looks confused but thankfully her brain picks up what I'm putting down in milliseconds.

"Yeah! I dropped my stupid contact lens when I was trying to put it back in. Silly me!" She quickly straightens up and grabs her purse from the counter. "Thanks for helping me look!" Her hand pats her companions shoulder quickly then she walks away down the stairs. Okay, I'm going to be truthful, the girl ran so fast I can almost see smoke trailing behind her.

Something tells me that she'll never need his help finding anything else ever again. I took care of the girl but I keep my mouth shut as the men just look at each other. 

This guy has some serious chops for staring down Mr. M after what we've just caught him doing. I nearly laugh but Mr. M smiles and it throws me off balance. Whatever he's about to say won't be good.

"It's mighty nice of you to help that young girl out. I just saw Heather and was going to say hi but then someone needed to powder their nose." He tilts his head in my direction. "I think that your wife was looking for you." His smile could melt ice but the look in Mr. M's eyes can freeze a man solid. "She and I will have to catch up later though because as I said Phoebe here really needs to use these facilities."

With that, Mr. M pushes me into the restroom and I close the door on both men. Of course I make sure that they can't see my shadow and jump on the counter next to the door so that I can listen in on the rest of their conversation.

"What do you want?" The man sounds like his teeth are clenched together. I really doubt that his red face will go any better with his pea green shirt but it honestly won't make the outfit worse that it already is.

"I'll let you know. And don't think of doing anything foolish, I have cameras in these hallways and I doubt that you two waited until reaching the restroom to start searching for a dropped contact lens." I can almost bet that Mr. M winked as he said that.

The only response I hear is someone stomping away.

"Don't forget your belt!" Mr. M exclaims and I really want to see the man's face. I'm almost positive that it's purple now from his rage and embarrassment at being caught with his pants down. 

Pain explodes in my knee from the door as Mr. M tries to enter. I scoot back further on the counter until he has enough room to come in. I shoot him a glare and start rubbing my damaged knee. 'Why are we even in here? What was Mr. M practically running away from in the first place?'

"Oops, let me make it all better." Mr. M coos to me like I'm a baby. He quickly flips the lock on the door and drags me to the middle of the counter near the sink.

He then slowly unzips my dress and pushes it off my shoulders until I'm only in my bra. I'd gotten so used to the open air that I forgot Mr. M stole my panties earlier.

"What does removing my dress have to do with my knee?" I ask. The look on Mr. M's face tells me all I need to know as he gazes at nearly every inch of my almost completely naked body.

I don't think he heard what I said as he undoes his pants and slides then down to his ankles. His erection pops up like a spam ad. I lick my lips at the sight of him but my knee is throbbing which quickly turns my mood.

Annoyed that he's not even considering my wants, I snap my fingers in front of Mr. M's eyes to break his trance. It does the trick.

"My eyes are up here. Us getting naked has nothing to do with my knee." I inform Mr. M while crossing my arms over my chest.

He simply smirks before pushing my thighs apart and getting in between them. I scoot to the edge of the counter in order for us to be closer and now i can glare successfully into Mr M's eyes. The counter is high enough to where my eyes are only an inch or two lower than Mr. M's.

"Take off your bra."

"Take off your shirt." I counter. In seconds, Mr. M's white button down shirt is on the floor next to his discarded pants and shoes. I didn't even notice him taking them off completely.

He smirks again at the surprised look on my face. One of his hands takes hold of my chin lifting it up so that his lips now have unencumbered access to mine.  Mr. M's method is for slow seduction but I'm not impressed with it so I deepen the kiss and moan to speed things up.

He takes the hint and presses his erection against me. My hand wraps around his girth and I slowly stroke him.

Before we can go any further, Mr. M bends to grab something from his jeans and then lifts me up by my bottom. Instinctively I wrap my legs and arms around him so that I won't fall. Mr. M walks us into the hall again and I shriek.

"Are you insane!?"

He doesn't answer me as he locks the restroom door from the outside. Mr. M tests the knob to confirm that it's locked, and then marches us further down the hall until we reach a dead end.

He inserts a key, twists the knob, and pushes to door wide open for our entrance.

"I figured that this would be a lot more comfortable in my room."

AN: Another update is scheduled for tomorrow. I don't trust my tablet in this moment because already it's tried to delete this one. I think it's possessed.

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