Me: i mean, it could've been worse really. But i mean, it was bullshit, for real. It's the 90s not the 60s for god's sake.

And did you feel offended ?

Me: I felt humiliated for sure. In terms, Hole is MY band. I mean it's like if I'm Hole's mom in a way. And i felt so abashed that their album release would come out that way.

Did they say something afterwards? You know, Hole?

Me: yeah, I mean when he said that they all had unique expressions on their face, similar to mine. But after we got out of there, they were laughing their asses out.


Me: yeah, it was great.

And tell us more about yourself like, what do you like?

Me: i like music, and um, i like my job as a manager.

And you're pretty young to be a manager, yet very successful

Me: also, almost officially qualified.

Really? How come?

Me;Well I'm about to receive a cool ass certificate

No way

Me: well yeah, I mean usually people tend to take long to become one and receive their certificate, but since I'm already high up, they'll just give it to me.

And since you like music, and you're a band manager of not only one but two rock bands. Would you be interested in the future to become a musician yourself?

Me: and leave the bands?


Me: not leave the bands. Maybe music will be my hobby.

Do you know how to play any instruments?


Who showed you? Did someone show you

Me: a friend

Is that friend a male or a female?

Me: does is matter?
I chuckled.

Haha, male?

Me: It was Kurt

Talking about Kurt, are you two a thing?

Me:Define "thing"

Haha, are you two dating?

Me: yes we are

Were you dating before or after the band

I giggled. I was just trying to dodge the question.

Me: sure, whatever

Hehe, sure what?

Me: yeah, yeah that

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