Theo ! he yelled.

Theo quickly scrambled off my lap and stood. Straight in front of Chris.

"What are you ?" he asked.

"A boy?" he said unsurely.

"Correct. You are a boy. Boys don't go to an All girls' Slumber party. They don't put face masks, nor do they file their nails. They party.  REAL PARTY!"

"I want to REAL PARTY! I'm a boy" Theo yelled with excitement.

That cheeky bastard.

Theo wiped off the mask and started running around the room yelled 'Panty Raid'" He went in my closet and came running out holding my only pink thong!"

Chris burst out laughing holding the door for support.

"I'm going to freaking kill you !" I said running after him.
His eyes widened before he started to run.

I chased him to the ground floor and then to the backyard and finally the pool. I pushed him in before tumbling in myself. When both of us emerged out of the water we burst out laughing.

"This is war !" I declared sputtering out water.

"On this is war. A prank war.

Today was the last day of school! finally, summer break was starting. Who even invented school? I mean if I had a time machine I would go and kill Charlemagne.

I entered the bathroom, turning the shower on as I waited for it to get hot while stripping. I put my hand under the water to check the temperature but when I pulled out my hand it was Blue!

That prick Christoper Woods put blue food colouring in my showerhead. I took a shower in the guest bathroom as I waited for my PRANK to get in action.

I quickly got dressed in a green jumper and just combed through my hair. Slipping into my gladiator sandals I skipped downstairs.

"Morning !" I chirped happily grabbing my plate.

My entire family looked up at my chirpiness.

"What's up with you ?" Alex asked.

"And why on earth is your hand blue ?" Dad too questioned me.

Suddenly the bell rang a lot of times.

"On. Who could that be? Beth why don't you go and find out !"

Beth got up from his seat and went to open the door .A minute later a fuming Chris came in yelling my name. Only in a pair of hot pink spandex and pink fluffy bunny slippers!

"Faith! What the hell ? ! Where are all my clothes ?" he yelled.

I quickly clicked a picture and put my phone aside. Alex was doubling over in laughter. Beth and Dad were trying to control their laughter too.

"I don't know what you're talking about ?" I replied acting bored and taking a bite of the bacon.  

"Don't try and act dumb with me! Where are all my clothes?" he asked once again.

Yesterday night I had asked Cedric to pack Chris's entire wardrobe in exchange of the items he was wearing , he was more Then happy to do it too

"I seriously don't know" I tried once again.

"Alex, can I borrow some clothes?" Chris turned to look at him.

"Sure man" he grinned getting up from his seat.

That traitor. I glared at him. Some brother he was.

10 minutes later Chris came back downstairs in a pair of blue jeans white t-shirt and red checked flannel shirt. He was looking So hot! Wait what?!

"Let's go." He said grabbing an apple.

We reached school ten minutes early and met up with the rest of the gang. Everyone was pretty happy. After all, it was the last day of school. No teacher really taught just gave us free classes It was during lunch when Chris played his next prank.

I was sitting with everyone on the table when Chris entered the cafeteria with a packet of Oreos! I freaking love OREOS!

"Give me!" I yelled as soon he sat down he said biting one.


"Please, Chris." I asked making a puppy dog face.

"Ok! " He said handing me the packet.

That was easy.

I grabbed the packet from him and ate an entire biscuit at once only to spit it back out. He'd replaced the cream with toothpaste! How did I not think of that? It was the oldest trick in the book. How naive could I be?!

"Your expression." Chris pointed out doubling over in laughter.

That's it .The boy needed a lesson. I was going to put my next prank into action.

All you need is a little Faith #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now