Chapter 7

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Texas Wild West, 1870.

A sigh escapes my lips pacing back and forth in the room. Things haven't gone as I plan it. It didn't come in anyone understanding that we would find a random stranger. Well, I didn't found it Cole BlackWelled did. It has no explanation as of now because there isn't supposed to be a person around this parts. Two, there isn't supposed to be a small forest on the outskirts either; however, unnatural is my second nature and I did not create a random forest. I told them. It wasn't me. Truly it wasn't me which is why everyone is scared. There might be another hard problem in our hands. Another Sorcerer? Another anything? We have scratch Sorcerer because we keep checks on each other, and I am the only Sorcerer in this parts till Nebraska.

It's more secure if Sorcerers know where each of us is. If we get into any kind of trouble, the rest will be able to save the one that fucked up. I am ashamed to say that it happens a lot. I don't even understand it. It usually is because the Sorcerer got too cocky and left somewhere without their protection. Coming from a Sorcerer, Yes, we are cocky, but not stupid except young Sorcerers. They are stupid for a while. I was stupid for a while cocky too and arrogant. I have much more arrogance in me, but I don't walk around without Jacob. I mean, not anymore. I used to before we became the hottest magical couple. I want to believe this. Arrogance.

Of course. We have to be the hottest couple. No, it's not because we are both good looking. It's because he does everything I tell him too. Duh. There isn't a relationship that works when the Sorcerer is unhappy. It doesn't work. I am a high maintain girl. I need my attention. I need his love and affection. I need him to pay attention to me and only me. I don't believe that's selfish. It's not selfish. He is mine, and there is no way I am giving him up. I can totally imagine Jacob being the sweetest. Yeah, he has kill people before, and there is a price on his head by The Hunters. I mean, come on. Who isn't? Everyone probably has a price on their heads. Even I do and I am super nice. If I start thinking about it too much, I'll seem horrible. Then again  I am what people call a self-centered arrogant bitch.

Surprisingly, I got that call yesterday by a prisoner. I found amusing, and I laughed. Jacob didn't. Poor Prisoner. Didn't feel sorry for the thing. It looked like a girl, but it was possessed by something else. It looks was questionable by many; however, the thing was able to trick humans into coming with it. It's probably because we don't get affected by its spell. The necklace that it had supposed to make you see the love of your life. She appeared on a very bad time, so it wasn't amusing to Jacob. The only reason Jacob didn't snap her neck right then and there. It was because his creator told him not too. It was something about needed to get information from her. 

I am guessing is because of the disappearances. We believe that something really bad is going on around here, but we aren't getting to into what's going on. I am not here to know what's up. I am here to visit Jacob. It's my monthly visit in a while. My father drops me off here before going back to his Family meeting for the Sorcerers. It's like a council, but it's not it. My father represents the powerful Sorcerer families, and those families represent the smaller families of Sorcerers. It's like a helping hand for every Sorcerer. My father has done a lot of good things to help, and he has win wars too. They put him as the face, The head of all Sorcerers. That also puts a price on the head easily which means I am safer with Jacob than trying to sneak out of the security to find Jacob. 

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