Chapter 2

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The rush of anger washes through me. I have no idea how I am standing in human form for so long. I want to tear him to pieces. Blade explains to us what happen "In simplicity, he told her a fable?" Luna asks as she moves away from her sister. Blade turns around nodding to her. Luna closes her hands together. She is trying not to transform. The snow falls from the skies almost crying by the sadness of it all. Jacob and Hana took Loreine inside the dorms. She says she knows he is the worse. 

She is not going to listen to something she already knows. Blade walks around explaining to us who Clifford is. A smile spreads along my lips "In other words, you are showing us whom we have to kill" Blade stops on his tracks looking straight at JP "I am not asking for anything. He seems to be coming here to pick a fight" Blade calmly speaks to us all. Everyone turns to me as I glare at Blade's stones. They are showing Clifford's face on a mirror "I'll feel pity for the poor soul coming here to pick a fight"

I am a Kennedy. I have never heard of any Kennedy's giving up. I am born a Werewolf. If anyone dares to pick a fight with us, then they'll find a big surprise. We are a big family whom will take on anything. I have to stop running "Let them come" I move in front of the mirror "I am Richard Kennedy, son of Luke N. Kennedy, I accept my duties as Alpha of Oregon" I turn around staring at everyone. Luna's necklace starts shining "Richard..." I see happy tears from a few people. 

JP places a hand om my shoulder "What are your orders, Alpha?" JP asks looking right at me "We torn them to pieces" I heard cheers of agreement as my words reach their ears. I am not backing down not now that she needs me the most. I feel the strength of everyone not only my own. I look at them than towards Blade "When will they come?" Blade's stones separate around the Balcony. He flips his fingers when they are in position. We all look up to see the map of Oregon "How did you do that?"

I couldn't see who ask the question. I side glance Blade seeing him smirking ear to ear "I am a Magician for those of you that didn't know" Blade speaks calmly as different lights shine on the map. I nod to Blade then he nods back "We, Magicians use stones to transfer our abilities. We can use simple things to be useful; however, if we are teamed with a Sorcerer then many horrible things will surely follow" He explains with an amusing expression "What's so funny?" One of the Werewolves in the crowd asks Blade. 

He looks up at the crowd "Magic has many branches. All races have a bit of magic that makes them different from each other's" I nod taking in Blade's information. I can see he is very knowledgeable about us all "How many races can use spells?" Another Werewolves ask then Blade stares right at me "Well, we have Sorcerers, Witches, Magicians, Elementalist, etc" Blade seems to be in thought as he points to the map "If I keep speaking about my history. We will not finish today"

"Now, let's keep our attention on the map" As he speaks the maps lowers to be at our level. I walk through it avoiding the stones "We are not sure. Everything is very quiet" A strong breeze blows by us alerting us on the weather. We need to find Karla fast "Do you know where Karla is?" Blade looks at me shaking his head; however, I could see something in his eyes. He is not telling us something. Before I could ask him what he is hiding. JP comes running up the stairs into the open Balcony "Richard!" My eyes stare directly at JP. 

Should We Tell You a Fable, Wolf? [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now