Chapter 3

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My eyes slowly open for a mere second. My whole body moves with difficulty when I try to scream nothing comes out. My throat is very dry  like I have been out for hours. My eyes open staring at the dark skies. I was in some kind of forest. I tried to move my hand up feeling it fall back down. I don't feel anything. I feel so empty right now. I have no idea what's truly going on. A weak smile forms on my lips staring at the snow falling on top of me. Snow is so beautiful "I wish Loreine could see this" I softly mutter closing my eyes once more. Images flash through my mind as if on cue , and my eyes open once again with determination. We were in an accident... wait... where is Joshua?! A sound from my right brought me to stare there.

I watch terrified as Joshua was thrown across the field. I see two of The Runners run towards him. I kneel on my right elbow to stare at him. Joshua wasn't in wolf-form. He was taking them without transforming. I have never seen Joshua fighting seriously, but this is something impressive. I watch as one of The Runners takes the initiative to take him head on. Joshua stands up running directly to him. He grabs his throat pinning it on the floor. The Runners couldn't even process what happen. I tried my best to stand up on my own, but I fell down once again.

I look up towards Joshua seeing him stare at me. I can see fear in his brown eyes. I know he doesn't want me to see him like this. The Last Runner attacking him stands up. It put its long hands back letting out the most horrifying cry. Joshua runs straight for him. He punches The Runners in his stomach making him fall then he runs towards me. I stare as he carries me a bit too harsh onto his arms. He runs out of the clearing as I looked behind him. I take in the horrifying scene, there were millions within millions of The Runners bodies spread out behind us.

Joshua notices me watching behind him. As we are cover by the forestation before I couldn't see anymore. On the other side of the clearing, I see more of The Runners answer to the cries of the other one. I look up to Joshua while he keeps running. A brown liquid is covering his front. It feels odd to be held by Joshua. I am assuming is because I am dizzy. I slowly snuggle closer to him hoping to get warmth from him. Joshua side glances me for a second. He has an unreadable expression while I am trying to figure out what's the brown liquid.

It's basically covering his hands, drips on his neck and face then his mouth and shirt are dipped with it. He holds me into his chest protecting me from the wind. He is running at a very high speed. He stops smiling to me "I'll get them away from here. I need you to stay here until you can't no longer hear their screams" He lays me next to a dried tree. He makes a whole into the bottom. He carefully places me into it.

I want to stop him from doing it "They follow heat by nature Werewolves are a heat source" His actions are kind, but I feel my eyes tearing up. Joshua sighs heavily kissing my forehead "I'll come back. I am just..." Joshua stops himself from speaking. He couldn't think of anything comical to add. I didn't want to lose Joshua. Why can't he see what he is trying to do is suicide. I grasp his hand stopping him from leaving. His eyes soften at my actions. He stares at me for a few seconds before looking behind him.

Should We Tell You a Fable, Wolf? [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now